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Everything posted by _Kermit_

  1. Hello, We had a mortgage appliacation turned down by RBS with 987 & 999 ratings on credit expert and top scores on Equifax. We are now in the process of sending detail etc to the under writers as asked by RBS. I had a very small default put on me in error which has been removed by the company who made the error. So no default etc is now showing on any of my reports, My question is on the Application form it asks have you ever been subject to a ccj or default?? I am unsure what to put as my reports shows nothing but RBS advisor says even with it gone it still could be the reason for it been turned down?? Please help.
  2. Hello everyone, Right after going back and forward with BG and RW it turns out that the Gas Bill was for the address is was at 2 years ago.... When i left the property in Feb 2007 i contacted BG and was told there was a Bill of £50 of which i paid over the phone with my card, so i thought that was that and left the property. So the Default shows up on my report last month etc etc and after going round and round with BG they have admitted it was an error on there side and have deemed it settled/satisfied and are posting me a letter saying its there error. Problem is ive had my Mortgage Application turned down today due to this default, my motgage advisor says he can take the letter to the lenders to prove this and fingers crossed get my mortgage. My Question is if BG are admitting its there error and are putting it in writing why cant they reomve the default completley??? Any help would be great and thanks for the prev replys guys...
  3. Thanks for the reply silverfox. I have rang british gas today and the £100 i paid thinking it was for outstanding elec bill is for a Gas bill!!! Best thing is it was a second floor apartment and has no Gas going to the property and British Gas has no record of me or supplying Gas to that address. So my question is will British Gas remove the default and will RW refund me the £100 i paid to them? As both companies keep messing me around. Thanks
  4. Hope someone can help me! We are currently about to apply for a mortgage, however a few weeks ago a default appeared on my credit report from Experian. On investigation, it is from Robinson Way regarding an unpaid utility bill from British Gas for a hundred pounds for an old address. No correspondance was ever recieved from either company, and had I not have checked my credit report I would probably have never known about the bill. This was paid immediately, though the default remains. I have made numerous telephone calls to RW and have emailed and written to them to remove the default as believe the unpaid bill was not my fault. BG or RW never contacted me in anyway to ask for payment, even though a forwarding address was left with the letting agent. I was promised on an initial call to RW that they will remove the default due to the circumstances and immediate response in me settling the bill, however, I am still waiting. Since calling again, they now advise it will not be removed and just deemed as settled, though I have persued and disputed this in writing as feel it should be removed completely, 3 weeks later I have heard nothing. From reading other posts in here, many of you have had issues with this company, any help would be grately appreciated as we fear we may have our mortgage application declined for such a silly amount. Thanks,
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