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Phil lacey

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  1. hi just wandering what is the best address to send dpa to for marbles credit card, cheers [email protected]
  2. Hi i am just about to send the prelim to first direct and looking to the future wondering how exactly you calculate the interest claimed. i have seen the reply above ie Total charges being claimed times 0.08 / 365 i take it you then times this amount by the number of days since the bank first started to levy charges? Hope you can help regards Phil Lacey
  3. Hi everyone we are taking on HSBC, Halifax, HFC, First Direct and were wondering if you can claim back charges relating to bank loans & mortgages? Can anyone help? By the way carrie has asked hsbc forr 1126.00 back and received an offer very quickly of £1000.00! I am owed about £2000.00 from halifax & other amounts from other institutions currently issued with DPA letters and awaiting response.
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