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Posts posted by shaz1000

  1. My current machine was replaced under a warranty in 2015.

    The warranty was domestic and general (probably underwriters) but it would have been via Bosch.


    Once I received the current machine there was no point in renewing the warranty because the machine came with a 2 year manufacturers guarantee.


    Current machine's motor failed after 3 years when it was no longer under guarantee and I did not have an extended warranty.

    The motor was recently replaced by Bosch.


    The machine has developed another fault - maybe the pump and currently does work.

    I hope this is clearer?

  2. Bosch said if the machine is not fit for purpose then it is between the retailer and customer because it comes under the sale of goods act and has nothing to do with them.


    The warranty was domestic and general

  3. sadly I don't think there is a lot you can do now

    you shouldn't of had the motor replaced IMHO

    makes it a TINY case now as you've broken any warranty you might have had with the replacement machine.


    your original cover under CRA ran from 6yrs from the original purchase

    which might have covered you when the motor failed too.

    but someones stuck its fingers in it now


    TINY = Tough Its Now Yours


    What about repair by retailer?

  4. Hi

    I had a washing machine replaced under a warranty in 2015 because it could not be repaired.

    The replacement washing machine had its motor replaced at my expense 4 weeks ago and now it has stopped working altogether.


    If purchased directly from the retailer the machine would have cost £900, so it is not a cheap washing machine.

    I would expect it to last longer than 3 years.

    I have any rights to a repair or replacement machine?


    If so do I contact the retailer or warranty provider?

  5. Hi I have a water heater which was installed in a new build flat and is about 4years old. I also have a homeserve policy which i continued after the 2 years was up with the developer of the flat. about 2 months ago my water storage heater developed a leak. It took Homeserve 6 visits to finally diagnose the problem. They are now saying it is beyond economical repair which seems to be their line to everything. I am not sure why a water storage heater of 4 years is considered beyond repair. It makes me feel as though i have paid insurance under false pretences. Is there anything I can do? The manufacturer of the water storage heater has gone bust.

  6. Possibly, it was however the FSA that told them to write to their client's, not the FOS. The main point of issue seems to be all the AIMs shares which they sold. Give the FOS a call, they can't give you advice but if you feel the shares were mis-sold they will help start the complaints process for you
    I was told to complain to Wills first and then if they dont resolve the dispute contact the FSA. Where does the FOS come into it? A petiton was lodged by the FSA for the winding up of Wills on 28 April 2010 so I am not sure whether complaining to Wills is still appropriate.
  7. Company that did check in cannot do check out on day tenant is moving. I dont feel the tenants have looked after flat they are also in arrears so i want to check flat day their tenancy expires not the next day since i do not want them to hold my keys. Someone suggested that if there are any damages or property has not been cleaned i should just take pictures. Is this the best way to do the check out myself or should i have a third party involved? the company i used to do check in did not take pictures.

  8. Yep take them to the Small Claims Court, fairly straight forward. Obviously you send them letters to say it's there fault and they must pay. If they refuse then threaten court action then finally do it.
    I spoke to consumer direct who said the developer cannot be held responsible. they also said regardless of mix up I used the electricity and must therefore pay.
  9. Also, you need to get in touch with the people responsible for installing the meters. Phone your electricity supplier and ask them which company carries out alterations in your area. They will be culpable too.

    the property is a new build and i assume the developer was responsible for contracting some company to do the installation

  10. Hi I live in a new build property and there was a mix up in the MSN numbers so that I was being billed for my neighbours electricity. the energy company is saying they set up the meter on info given to them by the developer and that I cannot apply the code of practice for accurate billing because it was not there fault. i am trying to get information from the developer to show they provided the energy company with the correct information but as of yet they have not provided it. In the meantime i have been left in debt because my neighbour was using less electricity than me and I was sent an underpayment bill. if the developer is found to be at fault is there anything i can do?

  11. Name




    EDF Energy




    To Whom It May Concern,


    Arrears in my gas and electricity account regarding dwelling at *******************************************************


    I am writing as I have been receiving debt letters because you say I owe money for the gas and electricity supplies at my old property.


    When I left that property I was actually in credit with my gas and electricity accounts and the landlord at the property told me he would give you the final meter readings as he said it was his responsibility, not mine.


    The sums of money you say I owe you are unexpectedly high and I believe the landlord gave you the wrong readings. When I left the property, I also cancelled the Direct Debits of £30 a month to you, and at the time of leaving, I was in credit. It wasn’t until two months later when I received a final bill way over the odds.


    I suggest you chase the landlord of that property for the sum, because I have not used that energy, and will not pay those amounts, I was always in credit with my accounts, and made sure the Direct Debits I had set up covered my gas and electricity supplies.


    Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.



    Yours sincerely,






    Partners name

    did you or EDF ever take a meter reading in all the time u lived at the property or were your bills all estimated? i suppose if they were estimated EDF could say it was an underestimate and you used more than the £30/month worth. I would contact Consumer Direct or send in a stage 1 complaint to the email address on the back of your bill
  12. after requesting signed copy of CCA was sent some standard document not signed anywhere. is there anything i can do? bank also added late payment charge

  13. I recently challenged my electrical supplier on the accuracy of their meter readings. I must admit they tried everything to make me feel the fool and when that did not work advised me of the cost of having someone come out and test my meter if I was wrong.


    I went to Energy Watch and they got their customer complaints section involved and they then sent EON to do a Meter Accuracy Test instead of installing a check meter.


    The upshot was my meter was 24.95% reading too high. I have received an apology letter and then a rebate of the overpaid amounts.


    I have been doing power measurements on RF Systems for over 30 years so therefore I have both the equipment and the ability to test my meters.


    One of the "tricks" the suppliers like to try is to have you list the equipment that you have in your home and then they will inform you based on the current ratings of the equipment that their readings are accurate.


    The current ratings of the equipment in your homes is not the current draw of the individual equipment but rather a nominal indication of the current rating or maximum draw of the equiipment.


    For example many 1KW heater only draw 800 watts of power and if you were using this for a test of your utilisation you would not be accurate.


    The best test is to have a fixed resistive load placed on your system for a set period of time to see if the meter is really accurate. In my case I used a 52.5ohm load capable of handling 2500 watts.


    This load would reach 1kw in 54.7 minutes. So if I had set the meter to where it just clicked over in a unit that did not have a tenths reading. It would click over again in 54.7 minutes


    Since finding the defective meter and receiving my refund I have checked an additional 10 meters in my area and have found, not the 2% as told to me by my supplier but that 100% of the meters have been from 10 - 27% reading high.


    I can not reccomend enough to anyone with a question about their readings being high to get them independently tested.


    The reason I say independent is that the replacement meter arrived from my supplier and it is also 10% high.


    So I begin the procedure once again with my supplier. I will update as the Saga continues.



    I think i will continue to pursue this with my energy supplier. I have a brand new digital meter which flashes. according to the energy supplier it could not possibly be inaccurate since it is new. they came out and did some sort of test and said it was accurate. i have no idea what tests were carried out. the energy company was also reading my neighbours meter for 18 months and sending me his bill even though they were given the correct serial numbers. they then started pursuing me for the difference between what they had been billing me and what they claimed i now owe (£1500). In this whole saga they have not taken any responsibility for their mistake. I have also contacted the energy ombudsman. However, the energy company will not put the account on hold and have sent me a red bill demanding full payment. How do i get the meter tested independently?
  14. Your brother has sent you a picture of a different corner!


    In your photos, there are no lines showing, on your brother's photo there are DYL all the way round the corner. If you had parked there, I am sure they would have gone for the DYL offence rather than parking across a a dropped kerb.

    it is the same corner - there were no yellow lines when i parked it is just a recent addition.

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