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Posts posted by yummymummyhere

  1. Please do not fret over this. I made myself ill with worry because the way the letter was worded, felt I had already been found guilty. It was all I could think about- I was so anxious, it really was not fair on my children.

    I feel you will be fine- he pays rent somewhere else and you can prove this, even if it's a statement from his landlord. His bank details are at this address too- all good :)

    Just tell them what you have told us about his car tax and old debt letters. This is what has probably triggered an investigation, they are wanting an explanation. Doubtful that it's strong enough evidence to take you to court though.

  2. Hi


    Yes, mine was the same allegation- please take a look through my posts and you will find my thread about it. I received great help here :)


    Basically, they tried putting words in my mouth and twisted nearly everything I was saying, but I knew he didn't live with me, so no way was I going to admit that he did. I had been under surveillance (although shown no evidence of this). I admitted that yes my ex stayed over, but he does not live with me and asked them to prove that he does!

    I pay all my bills/everything, so they were desperate to get an admission out of me as that was the only way of them being able to do anything, it now seems.


    They asked things like does he eat/drink at mine- I said yes, maybe the odd cup of tea and sandwich but no we don't eat as a family etc

    Does he give me any money- which my ex didn't, so I'm not sure where you stand with money going into your account, but surely he is allowed to buy his child things?


    You may have a few questions to answer about mail in his name...what kind of mail? I'm sure that if it's junk mail etc then, that alone surely could not stand up in court as evidence. But Erika knows more on this, I can just let you know of my experience. Is he on an electrol roll somewhere, where does his bank statements etc go? This will all help if it's not at your address of course.


    You are entitled to have whoever you want stay over. If bills are in your name, then it will be hard for them to prove he is living there.


    They wrote to me quite a while after the interview to tell me they closed my case. Anymore questions you have, I am glad to help. :-)

  3. Hi, I have an appointment at the JC for a WFI.


    I would like to start a course on psychology and have a career in that field.

    Would they be able to advise me on courses? Or do they just advise on job vacancies?


    It's a waste of both mine and JC time if not. I've been to one before- they just offered me a job in Asda on night shift, which is no good as I have a child and no one to help babysit etc.


    I understand it is compulsory that I attend, so any help would be greatly received. :-)

  4. Hi, would just like to say, please don't worry. My friend received this letter and was understandably worried as they word them so accusingly. All went fine.


    I have been told that 80,000 odd of these letters have been sent out. I guess our new government are hoping that many single claimants will stop claiming once they have received this letter.


    As long as bills, banks etc are in your name- then you will be fine :-)


    I'm sure if you were to do a quick Google, you will find many people in your position. Good luck.

  5. Hello, I have just had one of these interviews, they were accusing me of having someone live with me (I am a single parent on IS) which I do not!


    As you have stated that you are living with someone then my advice to you is definately get a solicitor, They do not care what circumstances you have been through-they just want their money. They will twist words.


    They asked me leading questions to which I know a solicitor would have butted in on those points- But as I have nothing to hide I answered them.


    Stay calm and focused (easily said, I know) and answer the questions slowly.


    Good luck and remember it will all work out ok in the end.

  6. Thanks once again for all replies! (really helped me)


    Anyway, I had my interview, I decided that I would go alone to see what I was being accused of (as I have nothing to hide)-Yes I was right, They were accusing me of having a live in partner! Said that I had been under surveillance for quite some time and they had seen him arriving after work, I said good so if you have done a proper investigation then you will have seen him leave aswel-to which they didnt answer!


    They really were trying to put words in my mouth but I answered all questions honestly and they seemed quite gutted that I didnt trip up once.


    Well now all 'evidence' will be put to their manager who will decide if im lying!


    Does anyone know how long it could be until I hear from them?


    Also, they never asked me to proove where he lives- does this mean they already know where he lives?


    To anyone else who has got one of these interviews- my advice is please stay calm and think about the answers you will say as they are very good at trying to word everything you say differently.

  7. Thanks very much for your reply. Yes he is on the register at his mums and I could also get bank statements. All they could possibly have is taped evidence of him driving my child to school and some nights parked outside.


    My worry is that if I admit that he does stay over occasionally then will they still class us as living together? as I have now had the time to research this it seems this is the case, (only family can stay over?)


    Also who should I take with me as I cannot afford solicitor fees?, and to be honest my local CAB are quite useless- I have been there recently about something different and they just got answers off google :rolleyes:

  8. Hello, I have received a letter from jobcentre plus, just saying that they have had reason to conduct an investigation into my claim of benefit. (I am on income support, housing benefit) it does not state what the allegation is for, although I suspect it is because my ex partner has been staying over some nights recently so some mornings he can take my daughter to school as it is quite far and I do not drive.


    Im now ill with worry even though I know I have done nothing wrong.

    Me and my ex have been working through our problems and are hoping to get back together in the future.


    He lives at his mums, which is quite far from me but works quite near to me so some nights he stays over to save him the long journey and helps taking my daughter to school. All his bills are sent to his address at his mums and I pay for all my own bills.


    I suspect that someone has just seen him over more and has grassed me up for fraud! they are interviewing me under caution in just a couple of days so please any help/advice would so much be appreciated, Thanks

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