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Posts posted by lewis94

  1. I have today received a letter from HSBC saying that my credit card account debt has been sold to Cabot as of July 2017 and I should arrange to continue to pay them not HSBC and HSBC will not correspond with me anymore.


    This relates to a credit card that defaulted in 2011 and I have been paying them back an agreed sum of money each month and always maintained payments.


    Having had run ins before with other collection companies I wonder if anyone could help with my concerns?


    - My payment agreement is with HSBC and now Cabot now seem to want way more than I can physically afford and say that I need to complete a financial assessment to make a new plan otherwise they will take action

    - The sums of money Cabot seem to reference seems excessive compared to what I think I owe. Can I somehow check what the values are and if they include any fees etc

    - In buying the debt how does this affect my credit file. HSBC has not been showing on my CRF since January 2017?

    - Should have I been notified of the sale of my account beforehand?


    The last time I had to deal with Marlin it really made me ill from worry and I do not want to go through this again

  2. I wonder if anyone can help as I am not finding the correct information anywhere or getting confusing answers.


    I have an employee that is claiming mileage to visit a clients offices.

    As I understand it he can claim from the normal place of work to the client offices but not from home direct to the clients offices.


    I have tried to look on HMRC but it doesnt really help.

    The contract with the client says reasonable expenses are to be paid,

    therefore mileage could be recovered,

    however they too have raised the query on why they are paying from his home.

    Any thoughts please?

  3. Thanks for the quick response. A number of other parents have started to get together as they do not like what is being said and what is happening. The case can be found on google and on local papers websites. I am trying to offer support as an impartial person to a very upset individual

  4. Sorry for not getting back sooner. The complaint is one of bullying against a member of staff. So far nothing has been proved to the contrary and nothing is stacking up to support the claim, however the reputational damage to the person the complaint is about could be quite damaging. The CPO that took the statement has publically announced to others on numerous occasions the personal dislike for the person and has expressed her wishes on getting the person removed from the club. There has been accusations already that false claims have been made and other parents in the club have been contacted to generate stories about the person.

  5. I am sorry if this is in the wrong location and please move if necessary. Could some please explain if it is legal to take a statement from a child, concerning a bullying case, when no other adult is present with the child other than a so called child protection officer, and then get the said child who is under 18 to sign the document in front of that person? The main element of the concern is that there is no witness to the way in which the questioning was undertaken and if the statement is a true reflection of the conversation with the child - taking into account the adult who took the statement was convicted of fraud in 2009 and narrowly escaped a jail sentence there is concern that the statement may not be a true reflection of what was said. I am also concerned that potentially a child has been made to sign a document by the adult undertaking the questioning without any present to offer support or advice. Any help would be appreciated

  6. If anyone could offer some advice on employment rights/laws etc


    I work for company "A" on secondment into a clients offices. I notified the client that I was intending to leave my company at which point the secondment client looked for ways and means to keep me.


    A company called "B" provides contract staff to the secondment client and I had been asked by the client to speak with them so they can retain my services for the next 2 years.


    Up to this point it is pretty straight forward.


    Company "B" have a contract in place with Company "A" to supply them contract staff to outsource and have said there is an anti poaching clause in place which they cannot get out of.


    The contract is over a year old but has 3 years left to run.


    Company "B" did not approach me for a job I approached them on the advice of the client. My Company, Company "A" is now stopping me from leaving and have said they will prevent me from joining Company "B" at any costs.


    It is within the same industry doing the same job but with better benefits which Company "A" cannot provide and at the request of the client.


    Anyone able to offer any advice on this matter?

  7. So the payment arrangement was between you and the original creditor ? If the debt was assigned whilst there was already a payment arrangement in place, and you continued to make those payments, then I think they might have a hard time issuing a claim and saying you are refusing to pay ?



    Yes the payment plan is still in place with the original creditor and I am still paying.

  8. Some details please:



    When was the last payment and/or written acknowledgment of this debt?

    I have never acknowledged the debt and have been paying monthly the last being 1st April


    You say in Feb. 14 Marlin contacted you was this in writing? If so this was the "notice of assignment"

    No they wrote saying they now own the debt and to pay them or they will take me to court.

    I wrote asking for a copy of the assignment and they have not provided me with one.


    Did you make a proper CCA request to Marlin enclosing the required statutory fee of £1.00? I havent made a CCA yet to Marlin but will do now


    As dx has said SAR to Lloyds CCA to Marlin.

  9. I have a debt with LTSB credit card.


    I sent a CCA and SAR to them back in March 2011,

    of which they were unable to supply me with a signed copy of the CCA

    and suggested that by me using the card I accepted the T&C's

    - I disputed this many, many times and challenged them to take it further which they did not.


    During the communications during this time I entered into a debt management plan with them

    at an agreed price per month and have been paying this for over 3 years now.


    Over the last 2 years I have only had 3 statements from them.

    The last correspondence was in September 2013 saying that they would cancel my DMP

    as I needed to increase the payments.


    I again challenged this and reverted back to my agreed DMP.

    I have never missed a payment.


    In February 2014 Marlin contacted me to say they now controlled the debt

    and that I was to start paying them, and with more money, otherwise they would take me to court.


    I sent a reply letter asking for copies of notice of assignment, copies of statements etc

    and had a generic letter back saying they had the right of ownership of the debt

    and to please pay more or go to court.

    I have not paid anymore, nor changed to paying them but have maintained payment to LTSB.


    Today I have been alerted that Marlin have entered a Credit Card Agreement to my Equifax account showing a start date of 07/05/2004,

    which was the original LTSB start date, a different account number and a default date of 15/09/2011.

    This does not correspond with the date of default on the original LTSB account which was March 2013


    As far as I am aware LTSB have never fulfilled my original SAR and CCA by supplying the necessary information

    and they have not communicated with me during this time.


    I have had no copies of transfer of the alleged debt nor any communication in respect of what I owe etc.


    I have worked hard to repair my credit report and settle debts with the amount of money I can afford

    and now this is being undone by the entry Marlin have now added on my account.


    Would my best position be to ask Marlin for a true signed copy of the alleged credit card

    I hold with them that they have identified on my Equifax report?


    Should I send both CCA's and SAR's to both LTSB and Marlin?


    Any advice would be appreciated.

  10. I am having trouble with Three Mobile Boradband and would like advice if possible.


    I held a contract with them for over 18months and called on 10th April this year to cancel my contract.


    After numerous sales pitches by the representative I finally got to the person which I gave my 30day notice of cancellation of contract.

    I was told that I could cancel my direct debit after the payment for May 2013 had been taken,

    which I did not mind as it was only £5.00.


    Up until last week I have not heard from them nor had any correspondance.


    I took a phone call from Three on 27th July of which as I would not give my personal details out over the phone

    the person became abusive and threatening so I put the phone down.


    A second call came in at no less than two minutes later which I stated that all correspondance

    to me should be in writing as I do not give out any personal data over the phone

    unless I was the person that made the call.


    Since this date I have had 15 phone calls from Three, and now two from a company called ATD

    (which I have researched on here).


    Last week I filled in two online complaint forms prioviding information on all the dates and times of the cancellations etc.


    I also sent a recorded delivery letter on 2nd August again giving them all of the facts

    and reitterating that I cancelled the contract as stated by a Three representative.


    I called ATD back to confirm that I am not in debt with them and was told that they will take me to court

    (which I would like to see) that they would register me with the CRA,

    that they would call me day and night until I paid and then the peson started to get abusive so I hung up.


    As I seem to be getting nowhere with Three and followed explicilty the information

    they gave me in terms of cancellation please could anyone offer advice as to how to move this forward.





  11. I have been renting a property for 2 years and have recently taken on a further 12month contract. During this time I have been buying household items for as/when I get a place of my own. I now longer require a lot of the items, sofa, bed, washing machine etc and they are taking up a place in the spare room.


    Can I ask the landlord to remove these items as I no longer need them? I am not asking for a change in rent just would like to get my spare room back and empty a few items.


    Any advice would be appreciated

  12. I will keep it short as I can but my close friend ex-girlfriends split with him last week after 4years.


    Normally this wouldnt be a problem however my friend has been off work for a number of months with major depression disorder and anxiety and taking numerous medicines and counseling to help.


    With all help we were making very good progress and kept on top of the situation so my friends was very positive - then when she left things have gone significantly worse.


    She is constantly sending one liner comments and 'like' tags to his friends on facebook which is really getting him down so much so that we had to take him for two medical assessments because we think he thinking of doing something very bad.


    A lot of the 100+ friends they known together she has not previously engaged with now it seems that she is doing it on purpose. Both medical offices we saw today reiterated that given the current health problems my friend is having, and more importantly the long term actions, the interaction with his close friends and his network of friends are detrimental to his and personal well being and could lead to far greater consequences as he has in the past tried to commit suicide.



    We have been to look into either a restraining or injunction order give the risk to life. Could anyone offer any advice please? there is also a issue in the will not provide a forwarding address of were she is staying.


    Any help would be gratefully accepted My friends is at his wits end and we are so scared he will do something stupid if we cannot get his ex to stop whats she is doing

  13. Having checked my credit file


    I have noticed that my score has dropped due to Hillisden adding a default and partially settled claim against my file.

    It shows up as Hire Purchase from Hillesden Securities


    I have never had a hire purchase agreement with Hillesden and

    in fact it was with Hire Purchase from Bank of Scotland.


    Both carry the same reference number and both show up that a default and settlement has occurred.


    I did originally default with Bank of Scotland and then Hillesden wrote to me threatening to take me to court etc which I know is common practice.

    I agreed a reduced full and final payment to clear the debt and Hillisden sent me an invoice to pay, which I did.


    I contacted Hillesden and

    they said they took over the debt which I dont doubt

    but I have never had an agreement with them

    nor did I default on anything they sent me as it was paid straight off.


    Anyone help with advice how to either remove one of the duplicate file notes

    or ensuring that Hillesden remove it completely.


    Do they have to prove they had an agreement with me in the first place ?



  14. After a long running battle with HSBC over PPI reclaim on a loan the FOS have upheld my complaint.


    The bank wrote to me with an offer of £x plus 8% interest. I dare not put too much detail on here as the bank clerk on the phone stated that he was aware foolish people are using such forums to get an answer and they are often wrong - spelling out if I do not accept what they offer within 6 weeks then I get nothing.


    I know there are a number of calculators out there but I am confused.


    If my PPI was £63 and I paid 36months of payments I know I am entitled to the cost plus 8% but I have been told I can claim back interest on each PPI repayment. The loan was 11.9% per annum.


    Can I claim for anything from the date of my original complaint which was July 2010?


    Any help please.

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