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Everything posted by pennywise

  1. Thankyou. on balance i don't want to go down the court route now. i know there is really nothing to worry about but I am a disabled stay at home mum to twin girls and help my hubby with his business while trying to fit in writing a book. My condition is neurological and made much worse by stress so I'm going to hand over the reins to the FOS. It feels like a cop out and will probably take ages but I have to weigh up what the stress is doing to my health. Sorry if this seems like a "poor me" post. It isn't. It just seems that you are all very brave and determined on here and I wanted to explain why I am less so. If anyone has any experience of going down this route I'd be grateful for advice but I'll keep you posted with how I get on. £8054.50 is the amount I am claiming in total before interest and this sum would make such a difference to our lives right now so it will be worth waiting for. Thanks again Penny
  2. Thanks for your help stevokenevo. It won't let me add to your reputaion again but consider yourself useful:D
  3. Ok. I've decided to play it safe and go down the FOS route for both claims. Does anyone have any experience of doing this?
  4. Thanks for that. Won't Lloyds cotton on to this thing about claiming in split sections?
  5. Thanks for that. No family south of the border I'm afraid. It's not the LBA's I'm worried about but how to go about raising the OA. I just can't find any info about it anywhere. and don't realy know what complaining through the FOS entails. I used to think I was fairly intelligent (for a blonde:D ) but this thing is making me doubt it
  6. Bigmac I see you replied to me in another thread saying I need a lawyer for an OA. Thanks for that. How easy is it to get one willing to do this and do I have to pay up front? Getting really scared now.
  7. Hi there helpful people. I am claiming back £5084 from LTSB and £2970 from Clydesdale. I sent my first letters off requesting repayment of charges on 3 March to both banks. This morning I have received a standard reply from CB saying they won't repay and if I am still unhappy I can refer my complaint to the FOS. As they have responded within the 14 days I gave them do I have to wait until the 14 days are up until I send the second letter? When I do send it do I include the interest at this point? With both claims I want to raise an OA because of the amount and the recent problems with splitting claims but I am gettig icreasingly confused by all this. I am having sleepless nights and am seriously considering getting someone else to take this over for me as I am in poor health and seem to be easily confuse by the Scottish procedure. can anyone advise on the above points or failing that send me a large dose of valium? Thankyou Penny
  8. I am claiming nearly £6000 from LTSB and £2000 ish from CB. If I raise an OA do I need a lawyer? How do I go about claimng through FOS? Why does Scotland have to be so complicated????
  9. Can anyone help. The charges are nearly £6000 but I am really scared of raising an OA. Any advice please?
  10. Good luck. We too have been hammered by LLoyds and are claiming back almost £6000 ad almost £3000 from a closed Clydesdale business account. I will watch your case with interest.
  11. Ok now I'm panicking re these stories of subsequent claims being thrown out. I really don't want to risk costs being awarded against me if I lose in an Ordinary Action trying to claim £4000. If I raise an OA do I have to employ a solicitor.
  12. Can anyone tell me how to find out about claiming charges of £2590 from Clydesdale Bank for an account that was closed a couple of years ago? I have seen something about it on here but can't find it now. I'd realy appreciate any help.
  13. Thanks for the quick reply. It is a personal account. I changed my business account a couple of years ago so I'm going to reclaim from Clydesdale for that. I think I am making this harder than it is.
  14. Hello all. First post here so be gentle with me please. We are in dire financial straits and desperately want to claim back >£4000 from LLoydsTSB. I sent the letter requesting statements last week but then panicked that in 40 days things might change so I've decided to just claim from July 2002 as I have all these statements available online. Will probably forfeit a few hundred but I just want the whole thing over and done with. Anyway. I am now panicking about how best to get this amount back havig just read that there is a new problem with claiming seperately for smaller amounts. Is this right? So have just printed off letter. Do I include interest at this point or not? I feel very thick but my head is spinning with this and this money could mean the difference between my business failing or surviving!! Any help gratefully received.
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