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Everything posted by rsdmom

  1. Hi Everyone. I need some help. I have Reflex Sympathatic Dystrophy. I saw my neurologist of 9 years in May of 2008 and he told me he wanted to see me back in July of 2008. I went and he had gone. Just up and left. He had no nurses and one receptionist and no one there. He took my medical records (not just the 9 years he treated me but the entire 15 years of records since I've had RSD). He posted an ad in a newspaper in a different town and someone called me with the address in another state that he stated in the ad that he wanted his patients to send any correspondence to. I have sent 3 medical release forms and 2 personal letters asking for my records and have gotten no reply. It's been a year now and I still have no records which is making it so difficult to get the proper treatments. I have contacted the medical board they don't know where he is. I asked other patients of his and they haven't gotten their records either. It's like he dropped off the face of the earth. He did hand in his medical license. I can see it on the medical board website. He also signed a form with the medical board stating he would make sure that his patients not only would have ongoing care but access to our records at all times. Yeah right! Please help. I don't know if I have any legal recourse or what to do. thanks
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