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Everything posted by windcriesmary

  1. ok so the best offer the bailiffs can give me is to pay around £130 a month for 3 months. They wont take less, should they be able to offer me an easier payment plan, I'm not in a good position to be paying that much a month at the moment at all
  2. hmm I phoned the council in camden where the penalties we're issued from, I thought it was a good idea to know exactly what the penalties are for. It relates to two times where I stopped on a loading bay where there is no loading at any time. Not sure where it says this though. I did explain that my reason for getting out of the car had been to use a cash machine not for 'loading' but I guess that doesnt work. The guy I talked to was fairly sure that if I appeal they will ignore it due to the fact that I was too late to inform the DVLA of my address change. He also seemed to think that the bailiff could still charge me for time while the witness statement is being looked at. So should I risk it and appeal or accept defeat and try to get the bailiffs to agree to a payment plan?
  3. New problem, the penalties are from London, on the tribunal it only deals with outside London? Any options?
  4. Great help thankyou. I just worry, as I left it only until quite recently to get the V5 sent off, I had completely forgotten to do it, noticed the address was the old one and posted it off. So with the date the ticket was issued being October last year the DVLA would definitely not have known at that time that I'd moved.
  5. Thanks for that, I'll head to there now and have a look. I was just wondering if I might find it hard to appeal anything as i was at fault for not changing my address on the V5 in time. Or could I argue that they should have been able to track me down easily enough seeing as I'm on the council register etc for my current address. The landlords in our previous house also had our new address, so they could have asked them. Thanks again
  6. I got home today to find 4 letters addressed to me. I opened one and found that it refers to an unpaid penalty charge notice. It states that a warrant has been issued by the county court which has been passed onto them (the bailiffs). It requires me to pay £197 within 7 days or a bailiff will turn up. I opened the rest of the letters and found that they have sent two separate notices of charges followed by a copy of each letter. So I actually have not one but two fines! I phoned the company and spoke to them to ask what I am supposed to owe as this is the first time I had heard anything at all about the matter. Apparently its for two offenses where I have stopped on a loading bay, both in October 2008. Having looked at the location I imagine that I had stopped to use the cash machine having no idea that this wasn't allowed. One of the notices is for a Sunday. Now here comes the bit where I could be at fault, I only recently remembered to send off my V5 form to say I had moved address. I moved from my old address around the time they say these penalty fines are from. So if the letters had gone to my old address, the reason for me not having any knowledge until now, do I have any leg to stand on? I'm worried as they are giving me 7 days to pay up and I really dont have enough cash to pay a fine that equals almost £400. Any help greatly appreciated!
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