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misty blaze

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Everything posted by misty blaze

  1. For sure you have! I think it was the sending a courier out that made me have second thoughts, bit pushy I thought, trying to get me before I had time to think and time to change my mind. Another free person
  2. Thanks for the correction, I was a bit miffed. Clearly you are right about the construction industry being a law unto itself. I've often thought that to protect small businesses the customer should have to place the payment for the agreed quote in a bank account that is controlled by a regulated specialist firm, a/ to prove they aren't ordering goods they can't pay for and b/ so that they cannot refuse to pay for spurious reasons. The Bankruptcy Association was set up by a man whose builder brother died after a second bankruptcy, caused by clients who didn't pay him. He believes the stress killed his brother and considers English law fails to protect the small business person. My point is that many people wait too long and and don't realise that with a bit of research they can do more to get their money without resorting to debt collectors and solicitors. We design, manufacture and install signs and some clients use us to finance their business instead of a bank! As I said though, this is only my experience.
  3. Hi Ibsys, I'm not really sure what you are saying here. I send invoices and for those who have applied for a 30 day credit account, I wait thirty days, for those who are due to pay immediately on completion of works, I wait about five days then telephone them. I'm interested in what you are saying, could you expand a bit?
  4. I had two debts last week at 6 weeks old for around two thousand pounds each. I sent my usual seven day threat letter and I have in my hands within three days a cheque for one at debt two thousand pounds and the other is being paid by two payments over ten days; they have been warned I will sue if both payments are not paid as agreed. It is my experience that people wait too long to go to court and often the company is in real trouble or gone under by the time you have done anything about it. You have to threaten court costs, interest and removal of goods (even if you can't do it). They don't want a summons and they don't want to spend on a solicitor. They almost invariably pay up within seven days and if they don't I give them ten days (poor post and that) then go on line and issue a summons. They have always paid imediately because they don't want a bad debt recorded against them as they still need to raise finance. Do not be afraid of the online court system. Have really good Terms and Conditions that are given right at the beginning with your quote and in everything you provide, invoice etc. The main thing is not to hang around, they don't believe you will spend money on a solicitor; so don't, do it yourself. Do your research, get your T & C's right, get your threat letter right, include interest as per the Late Payment Act and issue a summons without fear. Call their bluff and be ruthless with the tools available to you. It's always happening to us and they don't really care as they're either couldn't care less types or their business is in trouble so they're focussed on themselves; he who shouts loudest gets paid quickest. I have a huge amount of sympathy for struggling businesses, but ours is also struggling and my resposibility is to my staff and my business. This is my experience (30 yrs in business).
  5. Wow; that is serious money. I use the on-line court service for all our debtors who are refusing or avoiding payment. I send a letter giving seven days notice that I am going to sue, wait ten days to be sure, then sue. There is no point issuing a summons if they have no money, but otherwise just issue on line and pay the fee. If they still don't pay I go on-line again and pay the fee for the bailiff. I keep in touch with the bailiff to keep them interested. If the debt is more than £600.00 I would use the High Court Enforcement Group based in Liverpool as they are professional, effective and charge no up front fees. Usually people pay after the seven day letter, occasionally only once the summons has been issued. DIY is a good cheap option. Credit checking prior to allowing credit is the most important piece of work to avoid bad debts in the first place.
  6. I love it; this site is a hoot. Thank you Thank you whoever you are; I've said it before, if it wasn't for this site forum I would have "lost" £350.00 as they gave me the same pack of edited. I don't think its a total [problem] as they do do credit searches on behalf of some of their customers, of that I'm sure, but can't say how I know that. But clearly they are edited about being able to collect aged debts from liquidated limited companies as that is not possible. It's important to do the research before you give anyone money, not afterwards. They have to do some legitimate work or they would lose their licence to trade. Then they can continue to edit small business owners with their edit and live their life of luxury.
  7. I have to say, they didn't hassle me after I told them I'd decided not to sign up with them, which I had expected; I believe they are aware that the word is out there so they are having to be careful due to the complaints being made to the FSA
  8. I just want to thank everyone for their posts on this company as they've just nearly caught me in their trap. They're asking for £350.00 plus VAT for one year's contract for credit management, which I don't really need as I do this In House quite effectively and using the on-line County Court when really necessary. They hooked me with the promise of collections of old debts of up to six years. With Limited Companies I didn't think this was possible, but they assured me it is. Well I have taken advise elsewhere and followed these posts and am now sure I am right. My instincts were telling me I was being rolled over and thanks to your posts, I am saved! Thank you all
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