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Everything posted by rudicus

  1. Hi, thanks for the reply, this site is a goldmine of information and im sure the answers are out there somewhere...i have looked and found some usefull stuff but cant seem to find my answer, i have a dispute letter ready to send, i just need to make sure of my rights and any help would be appreciated. ill try to make it easier to digest, I signed a reply card in 2002 agreeing to T&C's at the time, ive not seen or signed any updated version,they state i did'nt need to sign the updated version...true or not? Enforcable or not? Sorry if im being a little dull but help on this one would be mighty appreciated. cheers mark.....
  2. Hello peps, its my first post, can someone gove me a definate answer for my qustion please. Just a brief update, i have a company dealing with my 6 credit agreements and things seem to be progressing ok. But i have a credit card which is in default and i am making token payments as agreed with the lender. (was Providian, Monument now part of Barclays) The balance was to small (£1800) for it to be taken on with the others so i've decided to try myself. I have asked for a copy of the CCA which has arrived with a letter. In fact basically it's just a reply card saying i've read the terms and conditions, it's got my address on and i've signed it (dec 2002). My question is about whats in the letter, can you help? "It is perhaps worth us explaining a little about the "copy of the executed agrement" section78(1) requires us to provide to you. "Copy" for the purposes of the CCA does not refer to an exact copyof the agreement you signed. We are therefore not required by the CCA to provide you with a photocopy of the agreement showing your signature. Section 78 requires us to provide you with a copy of your agreement which looks like the one you signed but which has been updated to contain the terms and conditions which currently apply to your agreement (rather than those which applied at the time you signed the agreement). Importantly, the copy is not required to include your name or signature" This sounds to me like they are trying to baffle me with Bulls**t! Can anyone help with this, are they correct in what they say or do i have a case to challenge and if so what the next step forward. Sorry to waffle on, any replies will be much appreciated. Mark:cool:
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