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Everything posted by cjjmap

  1. ok thanks just checking as this is what the goverment says is the minimum you need to live on.
  2. hi, Good old HSBC will not let me reduce my managed loan repayments and as i have got into arears since january keeps taking it out every time my JSA gets paid in, because of my situation i cant open an account any where els. can they take my JSA leaving me with no money at all this is what they did for the 3rd time in 5 weeks
  3. i`v been batling with HSBC since january over my managed loan, they will not reduce my payments and take the mony evry time my jobseekers goes in in most cases leaving me overdrawn and incuring more charges. because of my situation i can not get a new account anywhere else. They left me and my family with no money at all on friday last when my jsa went in all i get from them is you owe us money
  4. Thank you so much i will be able to sleep tonight i will get that form printed and sent off asap. once again thank you so much
  5. Thanks, i will contact the council and sort out my repayments with them direct. they were pretty good in the begining and knew i was willing to pay. What should i do if the bailiff comes back
  6. my first time here i am new to this, my problem. paying my council tax to a bailiff has been since i got made redundant last september. after a lot of trouble and hasel with them i negotiated through the council of paying £30 per month on my last payment i owed £348 last week my bank took money out of my account from my job seekers allownce to pay for a loan that i had an arangement to pay at reduced repayments because of my circumstances. as this made me go overdrawn they sent the cheque back to the bailiffs who have just visited saying i owe £598.00 and have untill 11am tomorow to pay in full or the will return and remove goods and charge me more for the removel. In the meantime the bank has charged me for returning the cheque and for being overdrawn Any help or advise at this time would be appreciated
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