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Dodgy Geezer

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Posts posted by Dodgy Geezer

  1. People, i am so pleased that you are fighting back.


    HCE you are such a twit, go away.


    Thats not what i said, but twit will do.


    Kelcou, dont encourage such a twit. Thank you.:p:p:p


    Heres my point.


    We have ALL read, re read, and read again that the law is on the side of the bailiffs.


    Heres a new suggestion.


    If you believe that you have been defrauded of unlawful charges, insist the police investigate under this law.


    Its VERY powerful,and even the police have to take notice.


    I cant do this on my own. Be BRAVE. The law is on YOUR side.


    Dont take no for an answer.




    Obtaining a pecuniary advantage.


    My OH says he doesn't know what the problem is (men can be soooo stupid sometimes!!!)


    Only if you think so.


    We know when a goal is scored, so thats the important things taken care of, and then we dont care what size you are. Whats the problem?


    All woman, all woman,

    Thinks shes not, thinks shes not.

    All woman, all woman.


    One Nil England.


    Bestest wishes anyways.:)

  3. If we really are what we eat, I'm fast, cheap and easy.


    I'm out of chocolate and I have a gun.


    Eat, drink and be merry - for tomorrow they may cancel your Visa.


    Everyone who diets gains in the end.


    I am not fat, I am calorically gifted.


    Life is unsure, so always eat your dessert first.


    You are overweight if you are living beyond your seams.


    Diet and exercise to fight hazardous waists.


    The Joy of Not Cooking


    Exercise, eat right and die anyway.



    God luck ladies. Just remember at the end of the day your " all woman "

  4. Well done great result.


    Something i have been advocating for years.


    I will never forget the day some big fat ugly South African cow, sat on my sofa and charged my missus £600 in charges for a £600 bill. She even charged a £200 van fee, and drove off in a Ford Sierra.


    I vowed then they would never get another penny out of me.


    Now i know the system, i absolutely take the Pee out of them.



    • Haha 1
  5. Good luck.


    Its not any easy decision to make, but in your circumstances it could be a wise one. Do tie up any little debts you have to friends or family if possible without including them in the BR.


    Also use your time wisely to work out your figures, if you stop paying your debts, your money might not be gone by the middle of the month. If you then have a surplus each month, you may be expected to pay, i think, 70% of it to an Income Payment Arrangement.

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