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Everything posted by mummy26

  1. I worked for the council in a school, I left last June. Then about 5 months later I got a letter from the council saying they had overpaid me by £1500 and that I had seven days to pay it. I rang them up and offered to pay them £20 a month as I have a mortgage and a child to support, and I thought that was money owed to me. They said that if I was to pay monthly I would incur a £500 charge on top, so I wasn't very happy as you can imagine. So I wrote to them explaining that I thought it was money owed, they replied and said that it wasn't my fault that I was overpaid it was theres because my employer hadnt informed payroll. He left it a few months after I left and them notified them. I have kept all of the letters they have sent. I received court papers the other day and I am really worried, I don't see why I should pay back the money when I thought I was entitled to it and they have admitteed in writing that it's their fault. Please help ??
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