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  1. I got all my defaults from my divorce...They wont move them even though they say settled. Im stuck for the next 6 years.........
  2. Hi I have many defaults (around 6) on my report. I went through a messy divorce and was left paying joint debts and a mortgage for these 3 years when the other party wouldnt contribute. Hence my finances got messed up and I went to the CCCS which helped me lots. I now have a new partner whom has aquired my defaults on his report cause we got a mortgage together, experian said this is tough and nothing I can do expept add me as an alias. We want to get married and cant get a loan at the moment. Nor can we get a joint bank account - been refused..... If I have settled my defaults how easy is it to remove them? The message i got from Experian is even if you paid you cant remove it. Also Link have 2 for the same account can I make them remove at least one? My divorce has screwed my credit file any suggestions.
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