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Posts posted by kell4040

  1. hello I acknowledged the court papers online yesterday saying I would be defending claim

    Today when I tried to log in to money claim its saying wrong id or password I have put them in correct when I try to get log in information its asking for customer mcol number that i don't have any idea on how to get these i really cannot understand as i have put in the correct id and password thanks

  2. hello I found this default notice as I am having to sort brothers paper work out as he got court papers for this debt does this default notice look ok its dated 20/01/10

    the envelope is 2nd class post is it prescribed in the right format as nothing is in bold or highlighted

    he got an account summery from Santander dated 09/03/10 saying outstanding balance £0

    then he got letter on the 13/02/10 saying they had terminated his account

    how many days did he have to sort his arrears out on the notice thanks

  3. hello


    my brother has got court papers delivered to his old address his ex partner rang him to tell him


    this is for a debt that is 4 months off the 6 year mark


    my brother has depression has for years being in debt has made it worse for him


    my brother and his ex have a joint mortgage and he pays towards his daughter who lives with his ex in there home


    he has not been getting the debt letters as they have been going to his ex house

    and she has not told him about them only this letter because it was for court


    I got the information and with my brother rang up robinson way explained that he has not been getting his mail

    as it has been sent to his ex address my brother says he told them of his address a few years ago

    so cant understand why they have sent them there may be its because his name is also on the mortgage


    I asked robinson way if we could do I partial settlement but they only took off £550 off the amount of £4870

    I cannot lend him this amount I told them this was way too much

    I mentioned about his depression that he has had for years and how worried this could make him worse


    they said they would put a stop to the court proceedings and hold the debt do they can write to him about his mental health etc


    I am a bit worried as we don't have court papers to say that he has them


    could they be lying so that he doesn't respond to the claim as I mentioned that I would ring court up

    explain they were sent to wrong house and get information so he could file online


    robinson way said there is no need to do this as they have halted the debt until they send info about his mental health as they want more information


    how do I no that they are telling the truth and stopped the court proceedings

    or do they just hope that my brother does not respond and gets a ccj as he has not acted

    sorry for rambling but very worried any information would be helpful

  4. hello my surname is different and my nephew left the property next door 6 months ago after he and his girlfriend broke up

    A new tenant moved in to this property 4 months ago

    my car is in my sole name and my nephew has never been on my insurance (my nephew cannot drive)

    my nephew did live part time this was over 3 years ago but then he moved into the rented property next door with his girlfriend

    he does not live with me and has no bills etc at my address

    the man didn't say what it was for but just gave my nephews name

  5. hello



    a man saying he was bailiff came to my house this morning for my nephew who lived next door

    the lady who lives there sent him to my home


    I just opened the window and he asked for my nephew

    I said he didn't live here and he said he had been told different.


    i told him no he didn't and to do checks that he doesn't this should confirm that he doesn't

    they started asking me for my name etc and said he would take my car

    this is in my name told him

    i would call the police if he didn't get off my property (i own my home ) he said he would be back.


    i am scared to open the windows my little girl was a little frightened i did ask him for a card

    but he quickly showed me his badge but not his name.


    what can they do can he or anyone else entre my home while i am out or even in with my daughter.


    My son stopped last night as he has broken his elbow yesterday so he went to the window

    and the man started asking questions the man obviously thought it was my nephew.


    i am scared to go out now just in case they break into my home.

  6. please can someone look and tell me if this letter ok



    just got this back from lowell is there anything missing

    and can they still sell debt on i have typed this letter out thanks




    Thank you for agreeing to settle your account.

    We have set up the payment plan that you agreed and will formalise this arrangement once we receive the required bank/card details from you.


    Your new Lowell payment plan


    Please check these details carefully and let us know if there are any problems.


    Your full and final settlement amount:£xxxxx


    How often you pay: A one off payment in full and final settlement.


    Payment is due on or before: 26thJanuary, 2012


    Payment method: Direct Debit or Debit/Credit card



    Supplying your bank/card details


    It is very important thatyou call us within 5 days from today to supply your bank/card details.

    Once wehave these details we will be able to formalise your repayment plan and you canclear your account.



    Once we have received your £xxxxxx payment the remainingbalance of the account will be written off and your credit file updatedaccordingly.

    Repaying your account is important and may improve your ability toobtain credit in the future as lenders

    will look at your payment history tomake a decision about whether to lend.

  7. hi just an up date got a letter this morning from capquest saying they were going to statutory demand within 18 days.

    A few days ago i rang littlewoods up as i think its just over 6 year mark when i gave my name she wanted my date of birth i gave her this she said it was not correct

    and also it spells my first name wrong with ie at end and not y it also says miss and not mrs were do i stand if the dob does not match mine and name spelt wrong

  8. hi thanks yes i ordered from littlewoods on a different account as i had forgot all about this debt.

    I think the last payment was in dec 2005 or jan 2006 not sure i got married so i am in different name i also moved in feb 2006 to this address were i am now.

    I got a letter off them a few months ago saying they were going to do a check .

    I have looked at my credit file and nothing shows i am almost sure its come to the 6 years mark.

    I dont have this kind of money to give them me and my hubby are not together anymore on my own with little girl.

    I am worried as i have a mortgage dont want to be getting a ccj.

  9. I think this debt is come upto 6 years im not sure as i forgot all about this but they found me at this address were i am now.

    I moved in feb 2006 and must of forgot all about this and now in am real worried as i own my home so dont want a ccj

    how do i find out if it is 6 years

    I have not made any payments to this if i can remember from dec 2005/jan 2006 im not sure

    please can someone give me info on what i should do


    i cant up load pc playing up so i will type what it says


    date 14th december


    debt purchased from lcg (littlewoods)

    account 0000000 ballance £1357.63


    letter of claim under the practice direction-pre action conduct


    you have not responded to our previous letters. your account has been passed through the relevant pre-action validations and checks.

    your account will be passed to our solicitors with instructions to commence legal action on or after 28th dec 11 unless you have reached a satisfactory arrangement with us before then.


    the claim will be issued in the name of capquest investments limited and will be for the unpaid ballance on the above account. we want you to contact us with your proposals for payment by letter quting ref or by telephoning our experienced team of collectors on 00000 to descuss possible repayment options.

    you do not have to pay the full balance immediately to avoid a claim being issued. we will seek to agree an acceptable arrangement for payment over a period of time.

    we will allow you a further 14 days to contact us.

    if you do nothing then a claim will be issued without any further warning to you.

    this will involve expenditure on the court fees and solicitors court costs which we will seek to recover from you.


    through the litigation process we will seek a judgment of the court, directing you to pay the moneies outstanding. if are successful and if necessary to do so we will seek to enforce such judgement by warrant of execution which will result in bailiffs visiting your address.


    we refair you to practice direction-pre action conduct and particulary paragraph 4 whice allows the court to impose sanctions on a party who does not comply with its requirements. we are willing to discuss with you any issues relating to our claim and seek to resolve any dispute through alternative dispute resolution methods. our prefarred method is without prejudice discussions with you or your advisers.

    free advice and assistance can be obtained from organisations


    the letter was posted 2nd class


    like i said i had forgot all about this i did order something from littlewoods a few weeks ago so this is were it may have flagged up.


  10. thankyou for the reply

    i have spokebn to fos and they told me to get a letter off insurance for final decision.

    i got a letter off insurance when i first put in a complaint and it said


    further to our letter dated 14th oct i have now had the opportunity to review your concerns raised about our decision to void your policy and repudiate your claim.

    from your letter dated 12th oct i understand your concern is that you feel this decision is unfair and that you did answer the application questions honestly and accurately. also that it was due to an error that amount of £4,000 was entred at the time you arranged insurance instead of £40,000.

    my colleagues letter dated 20th oct (I HAVE NOT HAD THIS LETTER)

    has explained the reasons why we have treated your policy as grossly underinsured and taken the decision to void it from inception.

    the letter points out that when you received your policy documents you were asked to check that all the information you entred at the time you bought your policy was accurate and complete including the sums insured.

    according to our records no contact was mad by you to amend the contents sum insured (I RANG ON THE 11TH WHEN I GOT A LETTER FROM THEM SAYING I NEEDED TO RING THEM AND GET INSURANCE TO REQUIRED LEVEL)

    we calculated that the level of adequacy was only 11% we define gross underinsurance as anything less than 60% the policy documents and policy booklet also explain that we reserve the right to treat your policy as invalid if the sums insured are inadequate due to the level of inadequacy a decision was made to void your policy.

    your letter refers to insurers imposing minimum sums insured unfortunately we do not apply minimum sums insured the price comparision sites we use explain what should be insured and basis for valuing contents.

    given this information we expect policyholders to ensure that the sums insured are adequate as explained above we remind policyholders in there policy documentation to check that the sums insured are adequate and to contact us immediately if they are not.

    with respect to your partners call to the office i can ony suggest that she was provided with information concerning this case as she in turn had policy details and was also aware of the claim details. i can only apologise if you believe there has been a breach in the data protection procedures.

    our records also show that i spoke to you over the phone on the 12th oct to explain that although we had written to you separately in conection with the possibility that you were underinsured an increase could not be applied due to an open claim. (this call was not to my partner it was me who spoke to them and they gave me this information)

    for the reasons given above i am unable to reverse our decision to void your policy i understand you are going to be disapointed with my reply but i hope that i have clearly explained the process and the reason for our decision i also hope that this letter answers some of the points you have raised

    we still have not got a letter to say that the policy has been cancelled and why it has there was a refund of the money what we paid over the months in the bank what wording shall i put in this letter please thanks again.

  11. this is what has happened so far

    we wrote a letter to insurance firm asking to cancel policy this was done on the 13th oct as we had not had a letter confirming policy was going to be voided due to it being under insured.

    wrote a letter of complaint to them on the 12th oct stating that i think it was unfair that they were going to void policy as it was a an error that we didnt see until we had put a claim in for laptop.

    we had missed a zero out when it was done online my partner thought he had looked at it proper when paper work came through but thinks he may of read it when he didnt have his glasses on( he needs new ones but cant afford them at moment)

    we got a letter today 23rd oct this is dated 22nd oct this is the reply to the complaint we sent they state they sent a letter on the 20th to explain why it was being void (WE HAVE NOT HAD ANY SORT OF LETTER TO SAY THE ACCOUNT IS BEING VOIDED)

    they also say they wrote on the 14th this again is a lie as we never got anything.

    they say they spoke on the phone on the 12th this was to me not my partner who name the policy is in only.

    they also say that they gave me information on the policy as i had account number and policy details and was aware of the claim they say they appologise if we believe there had been a breach in data protection procedures.

    due to all this my partner has try to end his life we dont have a lot of money and he needs insurance for his bike to get to and from work we are not going to be able to pay the hundreds of pounds now in insurances due to have a policy cancelled.

    he wont be able to get to work he will lose his job the list is endless our lifes have been turned up side down and we dont see a end to it it has and will affect everything we do in the future and cost us thousands that we just cannot afford please can someone give us advice we need help quick thanks

  12. hi feel like we are getting no were fast put in a complant letter to them did it r.d they should get it today i dont want to mention anything who the firm is at moment as i dont no who will see it.

    have not got a letter saying it has been cancel/voided yet so still dont no why this has happened.

    its like we have just had a life sentence as what they have done they do to many people and we dont have a leg to stand on once you have something cancelled you have to tell everyone for the rest of your life how can this be allowed there should be more in place so that they cant just cancel and mess peoples lifes up for ever this has affected me real bad i feel like a criminal and have not done anything wrong

    no one seems to care.

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