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Everything posted by GB69

  1. 2 months ago my then girlfriend wanted a new phone on contract. She wanted the iphone, so we went to a local O2 shop. They wouldn't take her switch card for a credit check so the salesman asked me if I would use my card. I agreed after being told I would not be responsible for the payments and she would be paying it thru her bank. A few weeks ago her phone was cut off, cos she had used over 30hrs of call time and had an allowance of 10hrs, which now results in a £315 bill, due to be paid on Monday. O2 say her phone will be re-connected when the bill is paid. We also split up a few weeks ago. I find out today she has not paid her rent for 3mths and also owes her bank £800 in an overdraft, which has been sent to a debt collecting agency. Now I got a feeling she isn't going to pay this mobile bill and that I will be responsible for it. Anyone know my rights in this, any help at all would be appreciated. I've had a contract phone for about 10hrs now, and never missed a payment, recently left T-Mobile and went to Vodafone. I dont want my credit record screwed cos of her.
  2. They dont issue it, you pay an extra £2 or something for it when they hand over the blue badge. Its mainly for parking on double yellow lines, so alot of people dont bother getting 1. Even if you do park on yellow lines, the CEO is supposed to give you 3hrs from the time they see the car. Thats what it says in my handbook about it.
  3. The Clock has never been needed to be displayed in the 15 yrs I've had a blue badge. They must have only recently changed the board, no doubt to it was to catch out unsuspecting disabled motorists like me. The Clock generally only needs to be used on Double Yellow Lines, not in car parks.
  4. The board said free to Blue Badge holders with Clock displayed.
  5. Yesterday I was given a parking ticket by the council CEO, I was displaying a Disabled Badge but because I wasnt displaying a Clock I have been fined. To be fined £50 or £25 if I pay within 14 days seems exceptionally petty. I'm clearly entitled to free parking by displaying the disabled badge, I've never known a car park where you need to display a clock. But it does say on the board where pay meter was badge and clock. What can I do?
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