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  1. Erika many thanks for that, no-one has mentioned I should automatically claim income support and I have spoken to JObCentre Plus, my council and my CAB!!! and they all state contribution based JSA only - is there an official paper on what you have said that I can quote when I apply to the jobcentre plus... also as I am on garden leave until 1st July can I make a claim now or have to wait until 1st july... many thanks again
  2. Hi All, newbie here, I have just been given notice of redudancy - I officially am redudant from 1st July but on garden leave from 1st May. I am obvisuly trying to find another job quick but trying to find out whaty benefits I will get if I can not. Bit more info; single dad, 2 kids live with me (7 & 5). I have got nowhere with JObCentre Plus, CAB etc - no-one will tell me anything until I claim JSA!! However, upon trawling the DWP site, the direct gov and loads of other sites; it would appear that if I receive "income based" JSA my interest on my morgage will be paid by the government. However, it would appear as I have been working that I will be on the "contribution based" JSA and therefore will not get my interest paid. is this correct ? if so I'm being punished for working rather than sitting on my but! hope someone can shed some light - Also when do I make a JSA and other benefits claim - now or do I have to qait until 1st July ?
  3. I have an Abbey National Current account which hs an overdraft I am experiencing financial problems due to redudancy and was told AB.Nat could freeze my account if my O/d interest was not paid so I opened an A&L account and was going to use that. I have since learnt they are both part of Santander and therefore if I tx evreything to A&L and make my AB o/d a no-priorty debt and not pay it except upon reduced agreed payment - will A&L then freeze my account ? i.e. are they really linked via the group or seperate entites within ?
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