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  1. Thanks mate, Do you think I can submit form N244 again even though the I have gone through the appeal process? Can anyone please advise. Thanks
  2. Fellas, Thanks for your concern and help. Unfortunatley I could not move any further than where I was 5 days ago. I spoke with the bank and offered them a lumpsum of £2000 before the eviction date but they kept asking for not less than £5000. They have even sent the letter declining the offer. I have started making up my mind to quit the battle ........... How could the courts be so unreasonable ! Perhaps I should change my name to Lost-gala rather than keep using wingala.....
  3. thanks vickson. Yes I have around £70k equity at present in the property. I have checked the links provided above, however unable to understand what do I need to do. Submitting N244 and subsequently appealing the decision was a straightforward process. I understood it properly through the forum. However appeal process has not been discussed anywhere in the forum (or atleast I could not find it with this mental state). An step by step guide on filing the appeal at a higher court will be highly appreciated from senior forum members. I am running out of time and need to make the most of today and tomorrow. Thanks
  4. The suspesion order was made in October. I could not make payment in the month of November and December (another story - beyond scope of this forum!). I made first payment in January and then in February and third in March. However on 30th of March I received the eviction letter from bank. I filed N244 the same day and got hearing on 3rd April. Judge was not at all convinced somehow because of the payment history in the year 2008 (I was extremely irregular ofcourse - no work being the major factor, worked mostly as freelance, but was difficult make the mortgage payments). I am not sure why both DJs (N244+Appeal) were not very sympathetic. Instead of giving a sympathatic view to the case both DJs were like scolding me for that all the time. Keeping in view the current economic situation, I found it extremely disurbing and strange. Does anyone know if there is any higher courts available for such a scenario where N244 and then appeal are dismissed within a period of few days. I guess DJs are fed of handling so many cases of this nature everyday and hence lost the desire and interest to the public. Both DJs seemed more inclined to the banks position than the general public.
  5. Hello, The forum has been extremely helpful for me. I never posted message , however I have been reading the forum messages thoroughly. That helped me a lot in filing the N244 and later the appeal. The DJ dismissed the appeal as well saying that he agrees with the previous judges decision. Mortage Arrears - £12500 Regular for the last 3 months Eviction date - 21st April Proposal - Monthly payment +£500 (disposable income) + £1000 lumpsum this month and onwards for 6 months. I called the bank today and put forward the above proposal. After almost 1 hour with the legal department, I found that I am hitting the brick wall. The bank is so stubborn as they have learnt that the court has dismissed the appeal. The bank refused to entertain the above proposal. Now what options do I have. The court clerk says that I do not have a right to appeal again. Is there any higher court where I can appeal. I am running out of time. Your URGENT help will be much appreciated. Thanks wingala
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