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Everything posted by Ranger09

  1. I have had a similar experience with Betfair. Someone hacked into my account in Nov 2008 and tried to withdraw my funds via a credit card that THEY had added to my account. This attempt failed but they proceeded to ' lose ' almost £1k of my funds ( leaving me with £44) ..why ? who knows ! Betfair say I am liable. I cannot prove that I did not log on that day or that I did not give my password to an associate . However, I can prove that the credit card is NOT mine. To my amazement Betfair have stated that they cannot give me the details of the credit card on MY account. I advised the police and made a statement . Betfair said I would need to get the police to submit a data request form before they provided the card information. The police duly provided this form ( twice as Betfair lost the 1st one). After 2 weeks the police chased for a response from Betfair to be told that Betfair would now require a Court Production Order ( a court warrant effectively ) KNOWING that no police force would be able to provide one as court judges will not grant such warrants unless the fraud amount is significant ( tens of thousands in reality). So, while Betfair have remained within the law ( just ) they are effectively causing police obstruction. Then of course, independent adjudicators like IBAS will not help if there is a police investigation. This [problem] is almost fullproof as most police forces will say " this is not a police matter " or words to that effect and even when the police force smells a rat ( e.g. a crime has been committed ) they are asked to provide a document that they simply cannot and as I have said above, all the independent arbitrators are frightened off by the police investigation. There is lots more to this particualr story if anyone is interested but my advice is not to deal with Betfair and if you must DO NOT LEAVE FUNDS on your account. My belief is that many punters have experienced this problem but either the police or others say " tough " and no one is able to help EVEN when it is clear that a criminal offence has occurred. It MAY be that current or ex Betfair employees are conducting this [problem] or they may be in cohoots with very able criminals.
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