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Everything posted by Supernatural1987

  1. Well ive wrote the letter i sent in an email so im going to post that off tomorrow and see what they say, Surely they know the problems with jobs and stuff, and ive been payin my fee's even if they are only like £4 a month but still its frustrating, hope i can get it sorted.
  2. Ok i dont know if this is the right place to ask, im with Nationwide and as this current situation with jobs , i havent worked since novemeber and i had an overdraft of £300 now i never got a letter stating they were taking it off and now ive had 2 thretening letters even though i did respond to the first via email i now got a new one today to say if i dont pay the £300 by april 3rd they are sending me to court, now is there anyting i can do i was hoping i could write to them, im sure theres lots of people out there thats is way more debt than me thats also out of a job, i did offer them in my email £10 a month for now until i can pay it off, but i never heard back from them, and im really starting to worry, i really am scared there going to send me to court or debt people are going to turn up at my house, so what i was wondering is there anything i can do, as im jobless surely they shold be happy with me paying £10 a month at least its something isnt it? But any help i would be grateful, i really not a phone person nor going into a branch if i can help it, id rather sort it out via mail to them Thank - you
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