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Everything posted by pregnant

  1. Thank you all for you advice and help, I feel much better now. I will write a letter to Equita and the council explaining my situation, and asking the council to take back the debts. I will keep you up to date with my progress, Thank you again.x
  2. Hi, i am 5 months pregnant and have Equita chasing me for unpaid council tax. I would like to add that our wonderful local council failed to tell us it had stopped the direct debits and only 1 month later took us to court without notifying us. Anyway i owe them money which i do not have. I have no savings, no money in the bank, and i am currently out of work. My husband works but we cannot afford to pay this debt plus the rent and household bills. This morning i opened the door to a bailiff, oops! He was quite understanding, but still wants the full payment. I didnt let him in, but was tempted just to let him come and take the furniture, although we dont have much and nothing of any value. He said i could write to Equita and ask them to set up a monthly payment, but when i spoke to them last week on the phone they wanted quite a large payment first, which i explained i couldnt afford. The bailiff has also added nearly 300 pounds to the debt?! How can they charge this much? I have heard i can get the council to take back the debt, how do i do this? I would also like to know if the bailiff does come again will he take all my furniture? Will he take my car? its very old, only worth about 100 pounds! I really dont need this added stress during my pregnancy, please help. Any advise would be much appriciated.
  3. Please help! im am 5 months pregnant and have equita chasing me for unpaid council tax. They are now trying to gain access to my flat. I am currently looking for work but nobody wants to employ a pregnant woman! We dont have any savings or any way of paying the debt, i am thinking of just letting them in, but i dont have anything of any value they would take. I am worried they will take our car, which is only worth about a hundred pounds, or worse they will try to imprison us. Any advise will be a great help.
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