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DialaPhone UK

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  1. Hi Lincoln Ling Unfortunately, it seems that you have fallen prey to a very dodgy [EDIT] who has been posting adverts for the Nokia N97 all over the web, posing as Julian Hearn, an ex-employee who has not worked at DialaPhone for more than a year. This individual who is posting these adverts has no relationship to DialaPhone and is falsely using the name DialaPhone. To prevent this type of fraud from happening again we are in the process of systematically getting all these false adverts deleted and have already successfully removed a number of these in conjuntion with the site administrators. To clear up some information about DialaPhone: DialaPhone is a UK based online mobile phone retailer only, we have NO international branches, We only sell mobile phones within the United Kingdom and only in Pounds (£) Sterling, We only take purchases on our own website through a secure payment process. NOTE TO ALL: Please be weary of [problematic] who insist on payment through third party services such as MoneyGram or Western Union. Always purchase from a reputable company who uses a secure payment process, and report seemingly [problem] adverts to website administrators.
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