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Everything posted by deeliv

  1. just looked at the email I got from worldpay who took the transaction: This confirmation only indicates that your transaction has been processed successfully. It does not indicate that your order has been accepted. It is the responsibility of Excel Parking Services Limited to confirm that your order has been accepted, and to deliver any goods or services you have ordered. If you have any questions about your order, please email Excel Parking Services Limited at: accounts@excelparking.co.uk, with the transaction details listed above. the excel parking website T+C's says I can "appeal" a payment within 7 days of payment, but I presume this is a load of rubbish and will not come to anything??
  2. I paid for his "invoice" with my credit card, using my name and address details on the website. the email my dad wrote to them to appeal had his details on it.
  3. hi I'm a new member and just seen this thread. my father got a private ticket from excel for parking in a disabled bay without a blue badge. he appealed it and then promptly left for a 3 month holiday, leaving me to sort it for him! the letter saying the appeal was unsuccessful came enclosed with a printout of a photo showing that the car was parked in a disabled bay. I have paid the £60 fine last week, but just come accross this today and now feel v.stupid! have I ballsed it up, or is there any way of getting the money back? I did pay using a credit card online, so not sure if approaching the credit card company would be an option. thanks for any help in advance
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