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Everything posted by LTS

  1. Guys, to clarify, i have worked in the job for 17 months and am now facing a disciplinary even though I can produce reports saying my conduct has been extremely good especially in the last month of my probation period. All I am doing at the moment is following the disciplinary procedure although i'm considering issuing a greivance against my employer Another question - I am aware that the director who is trying to get rid of me has sent emails to my manager that my manager has said were threatening and strongly hinted that if my manager endorsed my role, he too would be threatened with the loss of his job. Can I request to see these emails and do i have legal access to them? sorry, Ive never encountered this before and am in at the deep end, any assistance would be greatly appreciated basically I am asking for some constructive advice as to what i should do
  2. I will keep people updated on how this is going. Initially, it looked like I was going to be given a week covering for my manager to prove my ability to do the job (although I've done it in the past), but this has now been bypassed. I have now been threatened with a disciplinary, I will take this through to tribunal. cheers LTS
  3. Further developements yesterday 16th March (just to say I work in North West England for a health organisation). I have been called into a meeting and havent been confirmed in the supervisor role. I'm now aware that I have worked at the organisation for over a year so have rights. What i'm anticipating happening is that I will be monitored for a period of 10 days in the absense of my manager (who is on annual leave) to assess my performance, I have already covered my manager for this length of time in the past. If reports come back that my performance has been more than satisfactory from my two managers and I also have the positive reports from the past few weeks, but they still attempt to demote me, or reduce my hours, do I have any legal right to appeal their decision? The point about making satisfactory improvements which have not been maintained in the long term is relevant here ( although I feel unjustified), If they site these reasons but I disagree, can I appeal - (we have no access to unions at our organisation).
  4. thanks everyone, just to say, they have not terminated my contract, I'm just seeking advice if it did come to that. In terms of having a contract, none of the standard staff had a contract when I started my employment in 2007 and I did not receive one until I got my fixed contract in May. When that ended I was not given another one until I had got my position in September! If in any time in this period any of us had asked for a proper contract we would probably have suffered intimidation from above. You probably ask why I work there, but it actually is a wonderful place to work! It really was as I thought in terms of how my rights go, but thank you for confirming it, don't know how to do peoples scales!?
  5. To provide a bit more detail, I've been in my job since Nov 2007, I trained for a superviser role and was given a two months fixed contract for two months as supervisor in May '08. I then applied for my job and got it in September '08 (being told I was easily the best candidate). My manager had to put his job on the line to get me the role though and he is not the one who makes the final decision I was given six months probation, and at the end of the 5th month, I was put on review and had weekly meetings. All the improvement points that I was informed about I have achieved and can present reports confirming this. I was set to have a meeting with the people who make the final decision before that probation period ended but they never organised a meeting. The probation period is over, there are no complaints regarding me, I run and get on well with my team and there is nothing I am not saying in this post but I still feel some pressure regarding my position. If my contract was now terminated would I be able to claim for unfair dismissal? Cheers, LTS
  6. Hi there is it possible for my employer to terminate my contract based on my performance in my 6 month probation period on a date after my probation period has ended, i.e when I become permanent staff, thanks in advance,
  7. Hi, is it possble for my employer to terminate my contract based on my performance in my 6 month probation period on a date after that probation period has ended, provided there is nothing in my contract to say that they can?
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