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Everything posted by Purple_Haze

  1. Tanks Fair-Parking. I just confirmed with my employee he didn’t explain to her why he needed signature. She didn’t even asked him why as this normal practice in petrol station where we get visits from petroleum officers, trading standards. Mars, coke, Cadburys reps etc, etc. Do u reckon, WP not valid cause it wasn’t sign by me
  2. Hi Everybody, Need some Clarification,can balilff seize any goods which are not listed on "walking Possession"? Thanks Joe
  3. Hi Everybody, Need some Clarification,can balilff seize any goods which are not listed on "walking Possession"? Thanks Joe
  4. You are right about bailiffs. I think I should do Statutory Declaration, like you said. Thanks for your advice smee76.
  5. Thanks Chris600uk. It’s my debt not Company’s. I just want to protect there assets. I don’t want them to sue me or come after me because I involved them in my mess. Items I mentioned are part of carrying out day to day business activities. I know bailiffs can’t seize some goods which are necessary to carry out employment or business by me. Same time I can’t understand why there mention in walking possession inventory
  6. Thanks Chris600uk, Where do I get legal advice prevent them seizing companies Goods. Things like computer,CCTV,printer and fax machine. I wrote to them explained there are not my properties. I have been told to get legal advice. There are putting me through this hell because one payment hasn’t gone through. Sofar I paid them £2000 which probably cover there cost.
  7. Hello Everyone,I am in middle of nowhere dont know what to do.Finally i found you guys and i hope some one will give me some advice. Right,I am a sole trader i rented this petrol station from third party company. My main source of income is from stuff i sell from shop. Since last year October i found my self in deep trouble as i owe £8000 to one supplier. Now they issued high court warrent of excution against me(Marston group is appointed bailiffs) On 12-02-09 marston officer visited my shop and asked my staff to sign walking possession. She sign it as she didnt know anything about it. He left a note asked me to call his office. I called there office explained my situation and offer them repayment by way of instalments at the rate of £1000 per month. Marston accepted this offer and i made £500 first payment but my second payment £500 returned by bank(i made honest mistake). Since then marston cancelled instalments payment and told me to pay £4000 by last friday or there will send removal contracts. I beg them i didnt have that kind of money but there refused. This Wednesday marston officer came to my shop told me if i pay some money they may reconcider going back to instalments. I paid him £1500 then he called his office and asked me to open the safe which contains petrolum companys money. I didnt have keys that time explained to him i employed some one to do bankings. He said his office didnt like the fact i refused show him the safe and asked me to call his office. I called marston this morning and told to come up with £4800 by next wednesday or repossession will be proceed. I barley got stock in my shop and concern about marston taking away petrolrum companys property.Some one is taking over the petrol station on 23-03-09 as have give my termination notice What i would like to know is,some items on walking possession inventry are belongs to petroleum company. Marston advice me to get legal advice about it.I dont where to get legal advice to avoid repossession of some one property.Second, can marston force me to open the safe and take petroleum companys money? Third, i am leaving on 23-03-09 and i know marston still come after me but i want to know wheather they can take way new retailers stock?
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