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  1. Thanks a lot for your replies. I will try and let you know.
  2. My wife suffers from back pain so we bought a mattress from Bensons and it was delivered in July 08. the mattress and bed cost us £600. We used it for two weeks and complained that it makes the back worse while the shop assistant had said that it was a memory and string mattress and will be good for back and to get the most of it we should buy it with the bed. We stopped using it and used my son's bed. After 2-3 months someone came from the manufacturer company and said there was nothing wrong with the mattress. We then had to start using the mattress because my son was back and after two months one side of the mattress where I slept started to sink because I am heavier than my wife. Benson says they have sent someone and the mattress is fine by them so they won't be able to help. Do I have any right? I have talked to consumer agency who told me to contact furniture ombustment who can come and check the bed but they charge me 260 pounds. I have given the bed to my younger son to use and we have bought a cheap but relatively comfortable mattress. I appreciate your response.
  3. My son has 1000 OD with Lloyds which he has used. If he withdraws any more he is charged 15 pounds a day. Since January he has been chrged twice each time £90. One of the charges was because he was overdrawn by £9 and he had to pay £90. Could you advise us on how to claim the charges if he entitled to that? We have already been to the bank and they say there is no way and he has to pay it. Thanks
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