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Everything posted by Lincolnling

  1. Name: Lincoln Ling Country: Malaysia 4th March 2009: I login to www.mudah.com the marketplace of Malaysia I saw a advertisement from dial a phone (Julian Hearn Head of online Marketing) : The price of the Nokia N97 32GB is going for $360 usd right now. The phone comes with a 12 months warranty along with its complete accessories THE PHONE COMES UNLOCKED TO ALL NETWORKS. Time of delivery is 2 working days. For more information about the phone you want to buy, i want you to follow the link below: http://www.dialaphone.co.uk/blog/?p=2378 6th March 2009: I sent a email to Julian Hearn to confirm the Nokia N97 in a couples of minutes he adds me at Msn Messenger. After hearing his explanation I had no doubt then I straight away transferred money RM1335 converted from 360USD then sent to UK GBP244.28 through Western Union. 8th March 2009: He (Julian Hearn) MSN me I will get the Nokia N97 by tomorrow it means 9th March 2009. I was so happy I can't wait to have new Nokia N97. 10th March 2009: He told me that the Package already in Malaysia. I reply him I didn't get the phone. He answered me the Package just arrived so I wait for another day. 11 March 2009: I was doubt on him, he tried to calm me down once again he said the phone is now in Malaysia but 5 units of Nokia N97 shipped to me by mistaken (mispackage). His Company wants to ship it out of my country and I will not get my package until the next 8 months. Nonsense!!! He asked me to pay for the remaining 4 units at 300USD perunit I refused to do that. After that, he said I only have to pay one unit more all will be released to me. He told me the package in Malaysia already so I asked for Cash on delivery for that one more unit. You know what he suggests to me? He insist wants me to transfer another 360USD by using Western Union in the name of anybody I love or trust (Mother, Father or Friend) as soon as I receive all the phones then I have to go back to Western Union office to make transfer to his name (Julian Hearn). I asked him to provide me the Fedex Express's ref number so that I can check whether the phone has arrived but he refused to give the details. Once again he let me down. I already lost RM1335 = GBP244.28. I'm really unhappy I hope somebody will help me. Any feedback pls email me at [email protected] Thank you
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