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  1. Well I meant this until I got a Silly answer off some-one who doesn't care! Thanks to everyone else that replied though and God Bless..I wont be coming back , He has put me off! xx
  2. Just to put the Record straight as well...My youngest Son has the same Initial as my eldest son so most post is confusing... Is that STILL being NOSEY??? I am disgusted with the remarks you have made when I simply came on here for help when I am very upset! I hope you need advice one day and people tell you to do one!
  3. Wait a bit here .. As it happens Mr Bloody Know it all... Don't you DARE suggest I have opened these Letters out of Curiosity, I have been worried sick... I have lost sleep AND Plus my appetite ..worrying about My eldest Son.. and when I receive threatening phone calls and Continuous letters coming through my letterbox ,YES i Have a right to find out about it! Do you live on the same Planet as me?? I have a right to investigate anything that threatens my familys home.. I have sent Umpteen letters back, that is my point! I am fed up with the worry of it all and yet I come on here for advice and get Total Bollox advice from the likes of you. Aghh..You should feel ashamed of yourself, what you doing on here? Your no help at all? Holier than thou springs to mind?
  4. Thank you all so Much for the very helpful advice. I am so glad I found this wonderful site!
  5. Hi, I wonder if anyone could advise? My Eldest son unawares to his Dad and I used Our address to have Debt Recovery Letters forwarded from Phillips. He has never lived here for over Five years after we asked him to leave. As far as we know he has settled in another part of the Country but we have no further contact with him through stress he has caused us. Months ago I let Phillips know of this after I opened a letter from Phillips to see why I was getting so many from the Recovery Department. I was told quite Cheekily by one of their reps that I had No right to open his mail.. How dare she? This is my home and I had a right to know why I was getting these letters and phone calls on a weekly Basis. The phone calls have started up again, every night at 6pm with a recorded message to ask My son to contact them or they will send out Bailiffs. I am besides myself with worry. His name is not in this address and I don't know what to do next, how many times have I got to explain this to them before it finally sinks in? Thanks!
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