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Everything posted by Xen

  1. Why do you feel cheated? is it the fact your collegues made the effort to go in and were allowed an early finish or because you have only just read your contract.
  2. I've been reading threads left right and centre for a while, can't truely find my answer, alleged unregulated debt owed but too ltd co? in my name? STIG;) Anyway it's friday and had a small drink or two, tried to stare myself out in the loo mirror, and you can't.
  3. First dca admitted defeat and gone away, second now stuck head above toilet seat and threatening the normal. Would it be safe to presume if 1st DCA did not act then any followers are also unable to, and should I ignore followers or is this my life for the next 30yrs. Sorry being vague about OC and dca as am informed they read this forum. PS: can't find CPR request.
  4. How is it that as one dca gives up another can take their position, is there nothing in law to prevent this?
  5. Do you have to sign a CCA request or can you just type your name?
  6. Can I CCA bank and/or DCA, or will the fact the other debtor has been paying also deem me liable.
  7. Sorry cooking wifes dinner:-| Debt from top 4 bank, was a business loan £15k, which I was informed (by the other debtor) was unsecured to the ltd company we had. Overdraft £2-3k which I expected and would have gladly paid half. Ended up just under £17k demanded by DCA.
  8. DCA now threatens doorstep collection, I have not paid anything towards an alleged joint bank debt for 6-7yrs (I don't agree to value of debt) but the alleged joint debtor has been. I requested proof and breakdown of alleged debt verbally at the time and was informed info had been sent to my ex-business address that I no longer had. Approx once a year recieve letter from DCA stating "lapse in payment" which I ignored, I assume other alleged debtor now not paying. Where do I stand legally. Thanks in advance.
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