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  1. Thanks Clemma and lunar Jim for your comments. I will spend some time looking at other threads and update you with where I am at in a day or two. Some of my balances are in excess of £10k so I expect the credit card companies to put up a fight and I cetainly cant afford to pay a lawyer. Does anyone think that there is actually any real advantage to be gained by using a law firm?
  2. Hi Helpmeoutpleae, Good point as I have not yet experienced these guys. I maybe naiively assumed that if the aacount is in dispute that the credit card company has no right to sell the debt to a debt collector
  3. Hi Clemma, Thanks for your feedback, I am starting to realise that it is important to be very precise here.
  4. I was made redundant before christmas and subsequently sperated from my wife. Now the money is running out and I am having great difficulty finding work. I have substantial credit card debts which I can nolonger service. I am sure that many of these cards have unenforceable agreements. Before I write to the credit card companies requesting copies of original agreements to validate whether they are enforceable I wondered if anyone could give some idea of what the likely success rates are of writing off these debts using this route? I look forward to hearing back from you, any help would be very much appreciated.
  5. Hi Sister1977, Good luck with this. I am knew here so dont have any specific advice. Davy VS Capital one is a thread definitely worth looking at. I have a general question as i have recently been made redundant and havent figured out how to create my own thread yet. I have significant balances on numerous cars and would really like to know if going dowen this unenforceable route is really likely to bear fruit. There are lots of companies saying for a fee they can write off 80% of my credit cards using this unenforceable agreement route but I cannot afford to speculate on this unless I am confident it will bear fruit? Any thoughts anyone?
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