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Posts posted by jondanbob

  1. hi,

    just looking for a bit of advice, ive been on incapacity benefits for a few years after an accident suffer from chronic pain, basically house bound, i wont bore anybody with details, putting out the bin is a major expedition.


    anyway im in the back to work program ive got an appointment next month, it seems to me anyway absurd im in the back to work program not sure but from what i can see they have assesd me fit to work not sure really is this the case ?


    is there anything i can be doing appeals form filling in the mean time?


    i see countless horror stories of people having their benefits cut would be disastrous for me as i rely on my internet connection to order food.


    any advice greatly appreciated

  2. wow,

    received a letter from Lloyds today, kind of knew what it was was expecting a flat refusal but hay presto 6 loans worth of ppi, 5.4k refund (even though I was only claiming for 5)


    2 of the load they didn't have and details of amounts, they have awarded me 2 lots of 1200 Average compensation payout,


    now do I assume that these figures are correct? the figures show 8% up to todays date

    thank you

  3. i cant really remember, i will try and find the letter from what i remember said said something like this.....


    dear sir


    we didnt sell ppi here is your cheque now bugger off and dont even think about it.


    yours sunlife


    edit 5 mins later,


    just found the letter, they are asking for id to proof of identity, and on the bottom line a note saying....


    PLEASE NOTE, if your request is for the purpose of making a complaint regarding ppi sun life have never sold ppi policies


    i find that really strange because the advisor was from sunlife ?

  4. hi,

    after being missold ppi on my 5 last loans with loyds, currently going through at the moment fingers crossed,


    i was wondering if i could claim my miss sold mortgage protection that i have on my previous mortgages, with sun lift of canaida.


    i did sar them the same time as i did lloyds but they fobbed me off with the sar and sent back my cheque and even said in the letter that they never sold any ppi, very strange i was with them for many years and had protection on my mortgage.

    thank you

  5. hi

    just wondering if anybody could cast their beady eye over my complaint letter always good to get a second opion, im just awaiting my sar report from lloyds and a mortgage company sunlife of canada, so there may be other surprises awaiting me, im just putting a letter together stating my reasons i think i was mis sold ppi, just wondering if my reasons are strong enough to qualify to have been mis sold ppi? just really looking for reassurance to start claiming

    thank you



    Dear sir/madam


    I believe i was miss sold ppi from youselves for the following reasons,

    I was pressured into buying the PPI, because i was told on every occasion that when i applied for the loan that i stood a better chance of getting the loan if i took payment protection out for the loans.

    The Terms & Conditions of the small print were never fully explained to me.

    I was not told i could buy PPI elsewhere to cover the loan.

    At no time was i asked if i had had alternative PPI or sick pay.


    But the most striking reason i feel i have been miss sold was at all time i had a very generous sick pay package from a very stable employer i was employed at the time.


    Yours, me

  6. Hi Jondanbob :)

    Have I read this right? 5 debt collectors are chasing you for £400?

    Do you recognise the debts?

    Please don't worry, you've had really good advice. I saw something on the news the other day... will come back. I have a feeling this may be a '[problem]'.

    As everyone's saying, don't talk to them on the phone, ever!


    hi many thanks for your replys, yes these are my debts its not a [problem] why is everybody saying dont talk to them over the phone??

    1 vodafone 100, plus 15 court 50 solicitors costs,

    2 ebay 47

    3 dvla 80

    many thanks for your time and help

  7. hi

    need help, i am currently being hounded by about 5 collectors roughly 400 total.

    i do not have any income im currently on incapacity benifit roughly 75 per week just applied dor dissabled alounce, this is long term i do not see myself going back to work.

    i have always, always paid any debts, can i be expected to pay these debts, i have written explaining i have no income but they are

    bombarding me.

    1, they have added fees, including a court fee eaven though havnt been to court can they do this??

    2 will they take it to court and send the heavys round to collect the tv??

    3 can i offer to pay 1 pound per month??

    many thanks in advance for your help

  8. i suffer from severe sciatic pain, i cannot move for roughly 5/6 days a week flat on my back, family members cook for me.

    i currenly claim incapacity benifit

    my mortgage interest is being paid, how long can this be paid for?

    i have filled a claim for dissability is there anything else i can claim for??

    many thanks in advance

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