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  1. Thank you both for your help and, Wangster, I totally agree with you about Payplan trying to remove themselves from their statement - in fact they did claim in their final report, (sent out to me and FOS). that none of their staff had mentioned anything about writing off the remaining debts. If it came to the crunch where I had no choice but to pay up, ie if the creditors take me to court and win the case, could I still send in the cca and the SAR?
  2. Many thanks for your advice and I will get things moving. Sorry to bother you, but does this mean that once they've received my request, then all interest/fees could be put on hold for the time being?
  3. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me with this one. I’ve been a member of Payplan since May 2005 and have been advised by them to quit my membership (which I did today), as I’m about to go into dispute with my creditors, regarding further payments to them, ie added interests/fees. Please see the following, briefly outlining what I more, or less, wrote in my first thread: “It's regarding a debt management repayment plan that I've been making to my creditors, via Payplan, between May 2005, to be completed by November 2008 (£12507.97 of debt to start with). Presently I’ve been paying £296.05 pcm and last October, I only had £598.85 to pay off (approximately two more payments left). However, due to added interests/fees, my creditors are refusing to write off the accumulated debts of a further total of £2065.56, (insisting that I should continue to pay up until August 2009) while Payplan informed me that it's not within their power to get them to write it off, even though I was reassured by their customer services staff (before joining and during my early membership) that they can negotiate with my creditors for all my final payments to be written off or for it to be reduced by 80%. I've since cancelled my standing order about three weeks ago, since I feel that I have more than paid off my creditors, long before joining Payplan (I've always paid on time and never missed a payment until now). I also feel that the creditors are very greedy and just want to cling onto me for as long as they possibly can. Already I’ve received my first threatening letter from one of them today and I’m sure I’ll soon be hearing from the other ones. In any case, I’m still sticking to my guns as I feel that what they’re doing is unfair/unjust." I did seek out legal advice, but cannot afford the solicitor’s fees. I enquired about getting legal aid, but I don’t qualify as my salary, although it’s basic, would place me under the private clients' category since I have no dependents to pay out to, or own my own property. I’ve since been advised to try the Law Centre to see what they can do. I hope this information is helpful to you and thank you for taking the time to read it.
  4. Hi Gizmo111 Nice to hear from you. In answer to your question, DMC is just my abbreviation for debt management companies in general. So it's nothing to worry about. Kind regards awaywithyoudebt
  5. Hi Blueda Thanks for your email and for the attached templates which I'll definitely find very useful Kind regards awaywithyoudebt
  6. Hi PGH7447 Thanks for your helpful advice and I will start the ball rolling. Question: does the same thing apply to free dmp companies that don't charge you? Because if it does, that would explain why they're not quick to push the negotiation forward on my behalf. My dmp company distributes all my payments for free. I do apologise for not mentioning this before as I'm still trying to get the hang of things here. Kind regards awaywithyoudebt
  7. Hello all, I’m new to this site and feeling very anxious at the moment!! I came across this site just by chance yesterday and wondered if anyone can help me out. In May 2005 I consolidated all nine of my debts into a debt management plan with a popular debt management company (DMC), a total of £12590.00. The payments were to be made for 43 months which should have been completed by Nov 2008. Naturally, I was looking forward for that day to come. Before joining them I was reassured by one of the customer services staff that once I’ve reached the last one or two payments (43 months in total), I should get in touch with them where they can contact all my creditors to negotiate the rest of my debts to be written off at 80% or completely. This included any added interest/fees as well. The CS staff even said that the creditors are usually happy to do this, since they wish to get rid of the debt. I gave the DMC a call last Oct 2008, as instructed. Once they’ve contacted all my creditors, they phoned me back and told me that all my creditors are refusing to write off the remaining debts, which had mounted up to a of £2664.41. The DMC informed me that it’s not in their powers to do anything about it, so now I’m now expected to make further payments until Aug 2009, not to mentioned further interest/fees that will be added on. Meanwhile they would try to get the creditors to freeze the interest/fees. Of course I was angry with them for telling me one thing only for it to be another. I put in a complaint against them right away to the Financial Ombudsman and received the final letter from the adjudicator last Saturday. He informed me that he couldn’t take the case any further ’since the matter I’m complaining about arose before 6 April 2007 and that the alleged misrepresentation occurred in April 2005’. I’ve since cancelled my standing order as a protest, since I feel that I’ve more than paid off all my debts (the last instalment last January). So far I haven’t informed the DMC of my decision and I know I will soon be receiving threatening letters from the creditors. I’m also trying to get legal advice and feel that I could use that money for legal fees instead and is the only way, as like many people I’m struggling to make ends meet. I’ve reached the point now where I’m prepared to go to court over this, since I feel that I’m faced with an unjust/unfair situation as the banks are greedy getting people into more debt. Please let me know if I’m doing the right thing.
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