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  1. hi thanks, i will be on this website all night till he turns up as im so worried. i have my uncles caravan in the front garden so have taken the wheels off it, we also had a freezer down the side of the house and have moved that. police told me to do that when i phoned the 101 number he said they get loads of calls about bailiffs.
  2. hi just found this website and was wondering if anyone could help. at 8.30pm tonight my brother gave me a letter that he had at 7am this morning and didnt give it to us till tonight. i have a bailiff coming at 6am tomorrow morning to take goods for the debt of council tax. this is his second visit as he came last week and we tried to ring him and sort out a payment thing where i would pay weekly as im on low income. the debt if for £219, but he wants £541.50. what i cant understand is when i phoned him tonight after just getting the letter he said that this mornings visit charge was £209. but reading some of the threads people are saying that the first visit is £24.50 (which he has already charged) and the second visit is £18.00. he wont even wait till 9.30am so i can ring the council to see if they will take the payment. can they come at 6am in the morning or is that too early i do know that for certian debts its certian times. any help would be great as i now have only 4 and a half hours before he turns up. thanks
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