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Posts posted by stoney47

  1. did your husband speak to somebody from dvla medical services or just a normal operator

    when i was diagnosed with medium level sleep apnea 5 years ago i spoke to dvla medical services and they sent me a form to fill out and send back ,with information about my condition ,consultant etc.they then informed me a few weeks later that i was ok to carry on driving

    the same thing happened 2 years ago when i had a pacemaker fitted to cure an arrythmia problem

    i cannot understand why they would want your husband to surrender his licence for mild sleep apnea, they might have just meant temporarily

    i urge you to get your husband to get back in touch with them and speak to dvla medical section

    regards stoney47

  2. i would just like to say that i agree with Edwincad with regards his comments about ginng to see the doctor as your first step. I would suggest you write down all your difficulties on a piece of paper and discuss with the doctor the problems that you have

    you state in one paragraph that you dont need dla then state in the next that you have trouble with your balence and difficulties with the stairs, so it would seem that you are having trouble with your mobility which is what dla is designed for.

    having gone through the process of my wife getting a diagnosis of a neurological condition over the last 18 months,and subsequent claims for ESA and DLA,i can fully appreciate how difficult it is to admit you have a problem to other people

    i would also like to say occupational health are also a good place to start,you can access them via your local council

    may i wish you well and say if i can be of any assistance via CAG i would be more than happy to help


  3. as RaeUK says it is the quality of the supporting evidence that helps your claim. When you initially filled out the application did you answer the questions in great detail?

    i hope you don.t mind me asking,do you have joint hypermobility syndrome

  4. chatsworth2409

    back again a bit late in the evening, this post was going to advice about posting on the open forum as per site rules.

    there your post would have a wider and more knowledgeable audience,and very quickly that is what has happened

    many thanks to bazooka boo and peterbard for their input

    regards stoney47

  5. chatsworth2409

    when i phoned link to get their e-mail address, I was told that mr southwood-evans was the main man in the legal dept.

    they need to appreciate the fact that you will be paying back all your debt and that you have an approved arrangement by the court.

    did you received a notice of assignment,because if that has not been sent to you,then keep on with ge money

  6. chatsworth2409

    i think you are right

    with regards your question in post 21,i think it would not do any harm to contact them,verifying your position and asking them to state whether they accept it or not.

    how are you at letter writing? can you tell me what were your original loan repayments

  7. my advice would be similar to count orlok,and carry on making your normal payments,if they don,t like it then they can use the courts. was there a notice of assignment amongst your wife,s letters from link. if not ask them to prove they have the right to collect from you

    there is a man in links legal dept called Stephen Southwood-Evans, his e-mail address is ssouthwoodevans@linkfinancial.co.uk

    hopefully you can sort this fairly quickly.as others have said i would not talk to their phone operators

    regards stoney47

  8. chatsworth 2409

    when you state about being jontly and severally liable,to my way of thinking you are dealing with your debt as such.did you not have to state on your iva your wifes income as well as yours ?they made a judgement on that information.

    just because your wife gave permission to ge money does not mean they will have let link know. Reading your posts again,you appear to be making your full contractual payments,so why have ge money behaved in this way,have you been defaulted for this debt and has it been assigned correctly?

  9. good morning chatsworth 2409

    i have just been reading through your trials with link,welcome to the club.

    I am not a expert at anything much,and you will get much better advice from others ,but a couple of things spring to mind

    1.as far as i know,and correct me if i am wrong,an iva has to be approved by a court,so the fact that link brought the debt from ge money should not alter the arrangement.have you spoken to your insolvency practioner and asked his advice?

    2.if your wife is suffering from depression etc and is on medication and being treated by the doctor, she might come under the area of being a "vulnerable debtor" and debt collection companies have to behave in a certain way.if you get to the stage where they try to pressurise your wife,write to link on her behalf,explaining the situation with regards her health and that she gives you permission to deal on her behalf,they will ask for comfirmation from the doctor so you might want to get a letter in advance,she will need to sign her letter. Hope that all makes sense

    regards stoney47

  10. husband of christena

    i fully agree with your comments,most people do not get into debt for the fun of it.a bit more understanding from dca,s would go a long way

    In my case i,ll be debt free in 910 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! better keep taking the vitamins!!!!!!!!!!!

    there are lots of good people on here and just by reading their experiences has dramatically increased my faith in my own abilities to deal with these organisations,even if it is not the right result at the end of it

    regards Stoney47

  11. husband of christena

    i am glad to be of assistance ,please do not worry about sending off your sar requests, it should not stir things up for you with either company.

    i am currently having fun and games with ge and link and joining cag and doing a lot of reading has helped with me dealing with these people.

    the way i see it,if you can reclaim missold ppi,you would possibly have a reasonable amount to help you clear your debt.

    regards Stoney47

  12. as far as i understand, the sentence were it says "the right to proceed for subsequent interest is reserved" means that they would have to go back to court to get a judgement for interest.the amount you owe at the moment is the original judgement amount less any payments. the statements you get are the figures they use for their accounting

    do you understand about sending off a sar

    regards stoney47

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