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Everything posted by madmedic

  1. Hi Thanks for your post. I took my policy out via Swinton. At no time have I received a policybooklet or anything which expands on the policy wording. Also, the Financial Services Ombudsmen states that the mere fact that it is in the policy and that policyholders are notified (which I wasn't) of the scurity policy, is not sufficient. Have written to L&G today and will see what they come up with, with baited breath!!!!
  2. endorsement on policy states "minimum security standards" - the actual clause says that windows (easily reached) should have key operated window locks. The burglar got in through the window.....it was closed but the lock wasn;t on.....I was in bed asleep. There si nothing to state when the locks should be used i.e. at all times, when the hosue is empty etc etc Thanks again
  3. I was burgled 2 weeks ago, duly informed the police and filled out the claim form which L&G sent. Received a phone call to say that as the burglar had gained entry by a window, I had contravened the minimum security standards and the claim was not going to be settled. Looking at my policy, I did tell them in the proposal that I had window locks. On the night in question I was in bed asleep and although the window was closed, the lock was not on (I put them on when I go to work or go away). The original upset an hassle of the burglary has paled in significance compaed to the stress and upset as a result of L&G's dealing with the matter. Do I have recourse? Any advice would be much appreciated Thanks
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