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Posts posted by Nelliedean75

  1. I received a phone call from my place of employment to discuss the fact that they are re-locating to an area further away from my home and that they are making half the staff in my section redundant with people expected to re-apply for their position if they wish to move. If they don't wish to move then they can take an as yet undisclosed redundancy package. What i want to know is how does this effect my maternity, i certainly don't wish to move as the distance and time involved would not be worth it with the amount that i get paid so if i opt for redundancy does that wipe out my maternity pay or do i get both. If i get both does the redundancy package kick in at the end of my paid maternity leave or would i maybe get a lump sum as soon as all redundancys start. I have worked for the company for 5 years this week.

  2. Ok then, genuine question, if a client of lbl got themselves into the situation that they could no longer afford the repayments would lbl be prepared to allow client to find a buyer and be paid the debt in full leaving client any left over money rather than it going to auction and possibly raising less money?

  3. Hi,

    Sorry been offline for a bit, anyway an update on the whole situtation, my other half went to take my car to a friends farm who lives in the middle of nowhere and who was more than happy to keep it there, on the way there something, (dog, fox etc) ran out in front of him, as such he ended up hitting a brick gate post and then ended up going through a fence into a ditch. We got the car towed out and my insurance company have now taken it to assess it, however they are considering it as a write off so where on earth do i stand now with log book loans, trade value of the car is roughly £3000 to £3500 i think, it is a 54 plate seat ibiza with 25000 miles on the clock, now really no idea what is coming next, also since i got the letter stating full balance of £2250 had to be payed by 13th February i have heard nothing.

  4. Ok so basically i have got myself in a mess and now i need urgent help. I finally admitted last night that i am not going to win the lottery and everything isn't just going to disappear. I have around £12000 of debts and wasn't paying things so that i could afford to feed my children. One of these debts is to lbl who unless i pay the remainder of the full agreement today £2250 they are going to seize my car. For my other debts i have got in touch with a debt management company and am dealing with those with their help. Now back to lbl, there is no way i can get that money today or for that matter even in the next couple of weeks though could pay some of it but i gather from reading other posts on here that things are going to turn nasty and lbl don't seem concerned that i can't feed my children. The question is, do i try and hide my car to give me more time or are there any other options rather than turning it over to them. As a point to note i live in a rural area, (out in the sticks), so to speak and without a car i couldn't get to work or get my children to school, doctors appointments etc. Please help as i am beside myself with worry and just don't know what to do.

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