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Everything posted by watershed2100

  1. Hi Guys i have written to Lloyd's asking for a copy of my CCA, coming up to my 12+2 that i have read about on the site.Not sure what my next step should be:confused::confused: any advice would be appreciated Watershed
  2. I am coming up on my 12+2 still nothing back from Lloyds any advice on what my next step should be?
  3. When i reiceve my response should i post it here or start a new thread?
  4. Hi Guys i have a card with Lloyd's looking for advice on the whole process.I have just printed a letter asking for my CCA, what is the time scale for this stage? am i correct in thinking it is 12 + 2? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi Scott the accounts are with the agreement holders not debt collecters. Thanks for the speedy reply.
  6. Hi Guys I`m new to the site and if I`m honest a bit bewildered lol. I`m looking for advice on unenforceable credit agreements,i have had a look round the site but cant seem to find what i am looking for.I am not sure how to word my original letter asking for a copy of my agreement. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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