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Everything posted by vinuk

  1. vinuk

    Plasma TV Freakout!

    Please any more advice on this matter would be greatley appreciated
  2. vinuk

    Plasma TV Freakout!

    did u have a choice in the replacement or did they just send out one they thought was best suited? FOC.. whats that stand for btw? lol
  3. Hi folks. I purchased a £1500 42inch plasma telly from comet in 2005 and went for the extended total product cover warranty for 5 years. This runs out next year. Now my problem... I have had to move back to my dads house for financial reasons. I have stored my plasma in the spare bedroom on the floor. While I was adding more of my things into the room the screen was accidently damaged. I havent checked to see if it still works but i do know once a plasma screen is cracked or smashed its had it. Another thing, my insurance certificate is still regisitered to my old address. I'm worried that im not going to be covered since the telly was damaged at a different address as whats on my insurance certificate. Another thing.. if say that I am covered, has anyone idea if I will be allowed to choose a new tv of my choice within my original purchase price or will they try and fob me off with a cheaper make and model? Please help Craig.
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