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Everything posted by TessBrum

  1. Hello there, I Have been reading your thread with much interest as my mother in law received a £40 parking fine from Parking eye claiming that she had exceeded the allowable parking time at an Aldi store. The fine included photographic evidence of her arriving and leaving the car park. What actually happened was that she cares for an elderly lady and took her shopping on the morning and then returned to the store later that afternoon to carry out her own shopping. She contacted parking eye and explained this to them , unfortunately also admitting that she was the driver at the time of the 'offence'. She also told them that she lives around 300 metres from the store so would not require long term parking there. Parking eye said they would check the CCTV and get back to her. She heard nothing for a month and then a letter came telling her that as she had not paid the £40 fine within the agreed time it had now gone up to £70. She contact Parking eye to ask if they had checked the CCTV and they said they had checked but that she was not seen to arrive and leave the car park twice as she had previously stated. She then asked if she could have access to the CCTV footage and she was told that this was impossible. This is when she let us know what was happening, I had a look on the internet and this is when I happened upon your thread. Upon reading other peoples stories for many hours I told her to send a letter along the lines of "I have recieved an invoice from you dated XXXXXX in the sum of XXXXX. Would you please advise on what basis you feel that I have entered into any contract with either your company or the landlowner". She has now received a letter from a collection agency (with a shared address with our friends at Parking eye) stating that unless she pays the sum of £70 she will receive a visit from the collection agency inccurring further costs. There has been no reference to her previous correspondance that we sent recorded delivery. Now before I tell her to send a letter saying that the sum is in dispute etc I just wanted to check I am not potentially setting her up for an expensive fall! I would appreciate any help or advice you may be able to give.[/font] Thanks!
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