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Everything posted by Albert_123

  1. Hi Folks, I received a letter form DL this week and like many I am unable to understand how I could have downloaded or shared the file in question. The IP address they supplied definately was my static address and could be nobody elses and I have run an open WiFi network for as long as I can remember (now secured after the shock of this letter). It could have come through my DSL line by being shared by a rogue wifi user but I cannot prove this. I am really unable to determine if this copywrite violation was for sure made from my DSL line as I cannot find the file but with the IP they have given I can hardly deny it. I am inclined to pay the settlement to end the issue once and for all. I suppose the few questions that I would like answered are: 1) If I pay up will it be the end of it or do these people use any admission of guilt as a way of opening the floodgates for any other scan successes they may have captured? 2) During the time of the scan would they have captured more general information that they have stored in order to keep the ball rolling? Has anyone reported the agreement to pay leading to them just moving onto the next file they logged and trying to get another lump of cash from them? 4) Whether I am guilty or not, is the scanning DL have done conclusive proof that would stand up in court that the file did indeed get shared from my DSL network? 5) Given the situation if I were to contest the case would I be expected to give up any PC's that are attached to the DSL network at my home for interrogation? 6) Is there a group of consumers in the UK in a similar situation who have sought to challenge the acusations in numbers and if so what was the outcome or status of the challenge? I just want this thing to get resolved and go away but I am concerned that what I can only see the start of multiple claims being the outcome and a whole load of financial hurt. Thanks, Albert
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