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Everything posted by Sphilli2004

  1. I have sent the following. I draughted it myself so it doesn't look like a template that has been change. 23/01/09 To whom it concern, REF: Mobile Number xxxxx xxxxxx I have been chasing up a fraudulently obtained contract in my name for a while now. I have appealed to Virgin Mobile to investigate only to be told that the account was not fraudulently obtained. I would like to make it quite clear that I have NOT entered into a new contract after or during the time of my initial contract. I moved house in the early part of Dec 2007 from xxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxx xxx to xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxx. I now know that a new contract was ordered after this time and all kit was delivered to the old address where I no longer lived, I therefore do not know the location of the phone or who ordered the phone and extended my contract. I stopped using my original contract around November time when the original contract expired. I have noticed however there were calls made after this time. Surely the most intelligent thing to do would be to phone the numbers called from this contract after November and ask them who the phone belongs to. I understand however that this may not be possible due to privacy laws though. I feel I have been treated badly by Virgin mobile. You have treated me like I am being dishonest by saying this account was not fraudulently obtained, however if I did not order the new phone or contract then how on earth could it not have been fraudulently obtained. I am therefore making a formal request for the S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) linked to my account, inclusive of all signed contracts and transcripts of calls. As I did not apply for a new account I also request that any default notices or adverse comments your company has recorded on my credit reference file should be immediately removed. Failure to respond favourably to this letter within seven (7) days of receipt will result in immediate litigation being commenced against your company without further notice. For your information I have sent a duplicate of this letter to my solicitor. Regards, '
  2. I have but they haven't got any, they have said it was done over the phone. They are harassing me now though and I really don't know which way to turn
  3. Hi all, My first post, I appreciate the help. I had an 18 month account with virgin mobile. I never missed a payment throughout the life of the contract and was more than happy with the service provided however. towards the end of my contract I called virgin to say I would not be staying with virgin as I was moving house and will not be able to afford the £30, they offered me a better deal etc but I declined. My contract ended without debt and I moved house and got a pre pay sim with Orange. Virgin contacted me 4 months later saying I owe them £600 for breach of contract as I had signed up for another 18 month contract. They stated that I was even sent a new phone. I asked where the phone was delivered to and who had authorised an extension. I was told that the postage for the phone was from an existing card they had of mine and the phone was delivered to my old address. (bearing in mind I had left the old house in december 2007 and the new contract was taken out at the old address in January 2008) I think either the new tennant or someone who had access to my mail (we didn't arrange a redirection, we had an acquaintance collect it) had ordered the new phone and new number in my name, but linked to the original contract. I now have a default against me and Virgin are saying I am responsible because it is in my name. they also queried as to why the direct debit was still coming out of my account, and it was until I realised that the contract should have stopped, I called and virgin said it was an error and they will cancel it, however they received a call(not me) reinstating the DD a month later. help.....
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