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Everything posted by oneway

  1. I cant pay the council direct they refused the payment before and stated i must deal direct with the bailiffs. I guess i need to write to Equita confirming the total amount im paying, as i said ive already paid this months to them.
  2. I am getting so confused by what they are doing. I yesterday received some payment books to pay off the debt via the post office, they have sent a book for each debt as they have split it up into years as apose to a lump sum thus meaning 3 sets of fees and also when you pay in at the post office you get 3 set iof charges. They have today wrote 3 letters saying they have accepted my offer of £110 per month, i have never offered this amount i offered £70 a month. I have been and paud £70 today on the books they sent as to prove i am willing to pay but can they charge me 3 sets of fees and each of the letters says £110 a month i hope they dont expect £330 in total. I think i need to write back explaing i will be paying ONLY £70 a month and only on 1 of the books at a time. Advice would be appreciated as ive got confused even while writing this.
  3. So your advice is to ignore the baliffs letters and just pay the most i can direct to the council ? Should i write to the bailiffs telling them this or just ignore tham and ensure they cant get into my house ? I want to pay but they just wont let me. I dont want to keep leaving it as the debt wont ever get paid off at this rate. If i need to write to them again does anyone have a draft letter ? Thanks all
  4. Took them a while to get back in responce to the letter i sent, its not good news and has my slightly worried and id appreciate further advice. I sent the letter as advised with a offer of £70 a month, this really is about all i can afford, im a single paretnt and money is tight, they have written back stating its unacceptable and they require full payment by return post or they will send a bailiff to seixe goods. I have 2 debts with them, one for 300 and one for 600 (2006 and 2007 Tax years) they have charged 2 set of bailiffs fees too. What can / should i do next, i dont have the money to pay it full or make much of an improved offer, maybe could go to 80 but if they arent accepting 70.... help
  5. Sorry meant 1200 lol I think a little less then 12,000 lol. I have had 2 letetrs with 2 sums on so i guess i need to add them together ? Both have diff refs numbers and i think ones 2006 and one 2007. Luckily i didnt get any arrears in 2008. So i need to write to Equita with my max offer and ask them to accept it ? Im sure i can find a template letter off here, only issue i have is this insistance it has to be paid in 6 months ? Is this thue ?
  6. Just a issue of my own on this same topic......... Last August i missed a payment of my Council Tax arrears, it was a family wedding and i admit i got behind due to financial strain, these payments were in order to catch up on previous debts, they came up with a payment plan but this only covers my current CT i think, i have been paying £110 a month for a while now however they have now given a chunk of my debt to Equita, approx £12,000. I had some nasty letters and this week rang them up and i was faced with a very aggressive rude man demanding full payment, i advised i cant pay anything till i get paid this month, he said the baliffs would come then, they didnt. I called them back and he demands i pay £270 a month for the next 6 months as he says it must be paid within 6 months without fail, i just cannot do this, its impossible for me, i tried to offer less but he was so aggressive i ended up putting the phone down as he said if i didnt pat they come take my things. I have worked things out and i can just about pay them £100 a month max but why wont they accept this is all i can afford ? What can i do ? Should i go to the courts ? Or should i stand firm and offer them £100 a month and make it clear if they dont accept it they will never be allowed in my house, would i be better to write to them about this or do ir via CAB ? Im actually trying to pay off ehre but there not accepting it ? They want me to pay way more than i can afford, im not ignoring them im not hiding im just trying to sort it out and the fact they wont meet me half way is what im finding ahrdest and most upsetting. Any advice much appreciated. ( i have read around and understand about ensuring they cant get in, no leaving doorsd open etc)
  7. Just a issue of my own on this same topic......... Last August i missed a payment of my Council Tax arrears, it was a family wedding and i admit i got behind due to financial strain, these payments were in order to catch up on previous debts, they came up with a payment plan but this only covers my current CT i think, i have been paying £110 a month for a while now however they have now given a chunk of my debt to Equita, approx £12,000. I had some nasty letters and this week rang them up and i was faced with a very aggressive rude man demanding full payment, i advised i cant pay anything till i get paid this month, he said the baliffs would come then, they didnt. I called them back and he demands i pay £270 a month for the next 6 months as he says it must be paid within 6 months without fail, i just cannot do this, its impossible for me, i tried to offer less but he was so aggressive i ended up putting the phone down as he said if i didnt pat they come take my things. I have worked things out and i can just about pay them £100 a month max but why wont they accept this is all i can afford ? What can i do ? Should i go to the courts ? Or should i stand firm and offer them £100 a month and make it clear if they dont accept it they will never be allowed in my house, would i be better to write to them about this or do ir via CAB ? Any advice much appreciated.
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