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Posts posted by fourthvulture

  1. Infuriated enough today to write negatively about John Lewis Partnership. This is sad, given that for me, they have been the gods of the High St. for my entire (long-ish) life. That is to say: when you've dithered over this or that shop, you think : "forget it, I'll go to JLP and get value and service at a decent-but-not-cheap price". I bought new carpet from JLP in Summer 2008 which had small indentation in the tufts (in a prominent position, of course!) which I had hoped would vaccum out (but didn't). Turned out it was truly a manuf flaw (there were other tiny ones too). It took inspections from 3 diff folk, which was tedious, but eventually all agreed that it was a flaw. This week (having emptied out the furniture from the room for the second time in 6 months, thereby clogging up another room) the replacement carpet arrived and was fitted. Now, instead of a small flaw, I have what JLP call a pole mark right across the entire room, again prominent (of course!) in front of fireplace. I was told by the fitter that I would have seen the same in previous carpet, but I had to tell him that no, I didn't and I have never seen it in a new carpet before. Phone calls this week have resulted in JLP refusing to take any action. This concerns a newly laid carpet which looks less than perfect (particularly stinging for me, given the fact that this carpet replaces a previous faulty one). JLP have told me that I must wait 6-8 weeks to see if it goes away(revised down from the 6 months suggested during the first of this week's calls of complaint!). So, in the hope(by JLP) that it (& I) will go away, I must lug all furniture back into place, with the prospect of possibly lugging it all out again in 6 weeks' time. This mark may or may not go away, but why can a customer not expect it to look right on the day it is fitted? Has anyone else had experience of pole marks? As noted, I have never seen it in a new carpet before.

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