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Everything posted by jonouk

  1. Hello all, and a big nod of gratitude to the forum for such a worthwhile service. Appreciation and thanks my cup overfloweth! Ok so, this is a debt? that cropped up with Talk Talk. Well, I say debt, late payment in fact, which was in truth being dealt with. I had called Talk Talk and paid my outstanding by card over the phone, no problem there, logged into their system as the 6th August. Good, done and dusted. No, not before some grubby little outfit,with a PO box address, Surrey arrived with their demand for a bit. A letter arrived stating I was due just over 100 quid. Hmm, I thought best call them up. I was dealt with by a stroppy, sharp, cheeky young upstart, (my mental image of him you see). Now I had paid the bill on the 6th, and their letter was dated the 8th. Which I duly explained, and finished with; "But the figure is wrong anyway" "No it isn,t", he said, "that is an administration cost, as you did not pay the bill." ""Yes I did", I retorted. "Well" he replied smugly, "we wouldn't have the notice to pursue the debt would we". So I tried to wrap up the conversation, and the issue by stating, "Well I'm not paying any admin costs, that's ridiculous, I paid it!, Btw, whose admin cost?" "Errr, actually it is our admin cost", he faultered a bit, not much, just a bit. But was ready with another classic quip. "When you receive a bank charge, do you not pay those either":shock: Oh boy, I thought, would I love to throw you amongst a certain forum I know, they would tear you up. I paused at this point, probably due to the surprise at such an incredibly crass and supercilious remark. He obviously uses this phrase often. At this point I was losing patience, and I confess, I had nothing more constructive to say to him, and that they should check with Talk Talk and get back to me if needs be, I managed to ignore his barrage of attempted interruptions, but I got the gist of even more smart bottomed remarks, and insistence on me paying the administration fees. Well, in conclusion, I have thought, sod em, I ain't gonna even pursue this any further, actually I did call Talk Talk, and query the process, naturally they have a regurgitated statement of " Issues that arise from debt agencies are not debatable with us, and should be taken up with them" Huh, big cop out. Not unexpected of course. So, I imagine I will receive a bill from them again this week, not to be outdone of their admin costs, which amounts to one letter by the looks of it, if that even created any work other than from the computer. I am of course loathe to give into them on this, they are just chancing their luck. If they try to get heavy, should I be quoting any specific retort, maybe even inform them if they keep annoying me, I will have a lawyer charge them a fee for My admin costs!!
  2. Oh, that's inconvenient. It is through my main bank card, a visa debit card/cash withdrawal card etc. I find it quite strange that the banks, with all their computer wizardry and expensive cutting edge software, cannot, on the request of a customer, block any future debits by a particular company. But as you point out, it is an option, if I ask for a replacement card from the bank, that will be a different numbered card, wouldn't it? so experian's record of my card details would not be valid. Is that the case?
  3. Hmmm, thanks for the advice pelham9. Now, is it a direct debit? I have a list of direct debits in my file online and experian, as a recipient isn't listed. This is one of these setups where I applied for the 30 day free trial, and the debit facility is opened up to the company. The trial was fine, and at first I was happy to let them take out the debit on a monthly basis, although it varies slightly on date. it is therefore an automatic recurring debit in their favour, but is that still termed a direct debit, and consequently be subject to the guarantee?
  4. That's extremely helpful bank fodder. This is the thing though,as you point out. The big companies such as these just seem to steam roll through, regardless of a customers pleas. It is a good service, and it was helpful, and accurate and so on, but then I didn't have any further requirements, but it was like they weren't listening. I was surprised the bank help line told me it was out of their hands, it was between me and the company who was helping themselves to the money, thank goodness it wasn't a sizeable amount. It appears that they are hell bent on keeping their customer base intact come what may; "you aren't leaving!!" etc. it's a wonder they don't play us "Hotel California" on their call waiting service! BTW as I am in Scotland, would I use a small claims form, if necessary, specifically for a Scottish court, or an English one, as I assume Experian are based in England?
  5. I have had problems with experian, and their persistent way in which they just keep collecting a monthly fee of 6.99 for a membership, which I cancelled back in March. Not only that, the request to cancel went out before March, in 2008 as well. Now, yet again I see my account has been debited in favour of experian. Last time, I was low on funds in the bank, and their debit put me into overdraft, I was subsequently charged 30 pounds by the bank of scotland, despite my attempts at trying to explain my problem. They couldn't do anything about it, or wouldn't more likely, kept telling me that they had been nice to me back in september 2008 when the let me off 30 quid for another slip into the red, they didn't admit that on the statement the money was in before the bank actually took an interest payment, I apparently have to have the money in 24 hours before they appear!! But No, I am off on another track, How can I stop experian from just waltzing in and helping themselves to 7 quid every month! The bank as usual tells me that they can't do anything, God knows why not, I am the customer, it is my account, don't pay Experian when they ask/apply every month. I don't use their seervice any more, and I am perfectly in my rights to cancel whenever I choose, in fact I spoke to Experians customer service and they said, Oh sorry about this, been overlooked,it's all ok now. No it Bloody isn't!!! What can I do?? I have the copies of my previous e mails to them, so I can prove that this is the truth, not sure if that will help. I mean the thing is, they tell me Oh yes it is sorted out now, and I have no way of knowing that it is deleted, until the debit appears onmy bank statement. I am on the back foot all the time, it doesn't seem right. I assume if they continue this with thousands of similar customers, they will get away with an awful lot of money, just by claiming oversights and so on, there are bound to be many people who just don't notice the smallish amout leaving their acount every month. Any help and advice gratefully received, jonO
  6. Oh, right then, thanks for the advice and info, much appreciated. I will act upon this as soon as they come along again for another "poke". It is amazing just how much these companies get up to, I thought that these types of companies were basically honest, but I have been having grave doubts recently with all the stories popping up in the media. They seem to be a law unto themselves, and just think of all the people who just go along with what they are told, and pay up when they aren't liable, and hard up because of everything else going on. Carrion! That is what they put me in mind of.
  7. I have been written to 3 times re a debt allegedly for the TSB Lloyds bank group. The letters have been from a company called McKenzie Hall. The pursuers are listed as the Lowell portfolio 1. Whatever that means. It is a debt from 2000 I am told, although I have no recollection of it, and haven't heard anything relating to it at all, I accept it might be real, but I just can't recall, I asked them on the phone what was it for, but they don't know, "We don't have that information" I was told. "But if it is here you must owe it", they also said. Which personally sounds a bit wrong for a start. I asked did you just buy this debt from somewhere, they said NO, we were instructed by Lloyds TSB to pursue, which I am dubious about, and told them so. I told them I just can't afford to go ahead on that assumption and pay a debt off, I asked, are you sure? Do you have the right person. It is not as if I have moved recently, I have been in this address for 13 years, and not heard of it before. The operator did concede that it was rather odd. But finished up by telling me that if I can find any proof in the house to show I paid the debt, they would accept that. Well, I thought big deal. Having not dealt with this before, I don't have any paperwork, let alone proof of having paid it. DOn't they have to do more than state, well we have the debt here, so it is still owed. Are they up to something? Chancing their arm a bit, hoping for some people to just pay up and give them the beneft of the doubt? Any advice will be welcome. Thak Thanks
  8. Triton are idiots, but crafty and belligerent idiots. i too have a 3 month payment scheme to clear a debt, number 1 paid Ok no problem, I called up today and quoted numbers ready to pay number two. Some smart ass woman pipes up, "Who is this" Well, it's me, the person you have dealt with, the account holder. etc. "No it isn't" she said. "What?! err, yes it is." "No it isn't, don't take me for a fool" she says! "err," I say, again, "But look I am calling to pay the next instalment, what is wrong with you? I ask. "Don't be cheeky"!she says. Ohh God, I think to myself, why me! "So who are you"? She asks again, I sense she is feeling triumphant this time. Followed up closely by "I will ask you one more time, and if you lie again, you know the consequences! You don't sound as if you are the age you say you are, (i.e. 20.) By this time I am getting really pi**ed off. "Look, how the hell can you decide how old I am over the phone!!?" (Deepish adult type male voice)!!?? Totally bewildered. I kept talking so "super bitch" couldn't get a word back in, which undoubtedly she was waiting to do, I told her I was not going to waste my time with her anymore, if you don't want the payment, tough. I will call again and talk to someone who isn't a blithering idiot. Now there we are, even when someone tries to make a payment they have a damned problem, what an outfit! too much of the arrogant supercilious attitude they have generated amongst themselves flowing from their pores no doubt, looking to challenge everyone no matter what, or perhaps just a very stupid individual.
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