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Everything posted by Nelster

  1. Hey all, I had a similar circumstance with CP Plus Ltd issuing me with an 'invoice' for £40 based on me parking my car 'outwith a designated bay'. I felt that the whole episode was entrapment as I had previously parked in exactly the same spot (along with others) and paid the required sums for the priviledge of doing so. They did away with the 'pay and display' tickets as parking fees in hospital car parks are no longer valid in Scotland. They are trying to recoup the losses of car park revenue by catching patients out. I was issued with a ticket and was so angry that I decided not to pay and await some form of follow up from them. I have received today 'letter 1' from Trethowans and am not going to follow this one up. Both CP Plus and Trethowans fail to offer you a phone contact to discuss matters, only a payment line!!! Its a total [problem] and whilst I don't wish to go to court, I would love to make an argument out of it! Its not ciriminal, just a difference of opinion and its up to them if they wish to take me all the way!
  2. Hi All, I parked my car within a private hospital car park last week and after my appointment I returned to find a £40 charge stuck to my window. I was parked to the side of the car park where no lines (either yellow or white) and no signs were present. The area I was parked in was the stretch of tarmac that runs the full the length of the car park and I was one of about 6 cars parked there. (everyone was ticketed!!) In my opinion, I could not have been more reasonably parked, there was ample room for me and others, I was causing no obstruction to any vehicles or pedestrians and was ticketed for not parking within a designated bay. Scottish hospitals have recently done away with car park fees so all the pay meters are covered with a notice explaining as much. To make matteres worse, I have several times previously parked in this exact same spot and paid money to the meter for the privilidge of doing so, I have never had such a notice. The company looking after the car park is CP Plus Ltd and the charge is to be reduced to £20 if paid within 14 days. I was advised to appeal the decision by the same guy who ticketed me. He directed me to two small signs at the opposite side of the car park which half way down the notice state 'Parking only within a designated bay'. Forget the fact that I was at the hospital for eye treatment, what the hell is their definition of a designated bay??? :-x:-x My definition of a designated bay is clearly different from theirs as I considered my vehicle to be parked in a very reasonable manner and causing no obstruction or trouble to any other car park user. The hospital was willing to take my money for parking there when there were fees to be paid and its not I was parking out of ignorance or trying to avoid any fee. I am quite clued up on Scots Criminal Law and had this been some sort of criminal parking offence then I would be requesting a court hearing to plead my case. I have read some previous posts on CP Plus Ltd and their 'appeals' process and I have decided that I am going to do nothing about it. I was tempted to write a letter informing them that I would not be paying the charge but I have no intention of doing so now as it only opens the lines of communications for them to bombard you with junk mail. This firm do not even have any form of phone contact that cases like this can be discussed. They won't speak to you directly so why should I make the effort for something that is a complete [problem]!!! :mad: I hear that they get your details from the DVLA, although why the DVLA give out this information to a firm that is running such a [problem] is beyond me. They will also write all kinds of threatening letters about clamping vehicles and taking you to court. The fact is, I do not believe I am required to give them anything whether it be my hard earned money or an explanation. I do not trust their appeals process as final the decision will be taken by someone who has no knowledge of the car park and will not even take the opportunity to discuss the circumstances with me. If they wish to progress this to a civil court then I will be happy to defend myself there. My only concern is that my credit rating will be black listed in some form if this company has the ability to make that happen, is this likely? Has any one else had any experiences similar to this?
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