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A Guy

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  1. Hi All I am hoping for some sound advice. I appreciate that there is a great deal on information on this site to help people deal with their debt issues, but I haven't found anything that relates that closely to my own scenario: I may have 2 student loans, the first 1997 and second 1998. To date I have not made any repayments or had any contact with the SLC or the numerous DCA's that have been writing or sending postcards sporadically over the years. DCA's have called up my aunty (parents were ex-directory) and pretended to be a friend from uni to get my parent's number and then staretd trying to harrass them about 6 years ago, but soon gave up when my mum told them where to go, bless her. In fact I hadn't heard anything from any of the above since that incident, until September last year, when I started to receive postcards and letters from a few different DCA's & SLC "advising" me to contact them. I may have had some duff (or genius) advice in the past from a friend who suggested not to contact the concerned parties and if it goes over 6 years it will be statute barred and there will be little they can do to pursue me for the debt. In the meantime, i have built up other debts that I am stuggling to service. It seems that CapQuest have now got hold of the debt and have been sending progressively worring letters about taking me to court. The last 3 letters have been: 1) CapQuest - Letter before action: "It is therefore our intention to progress your account to our pre-litigation system...account will be passed to our solicitors..." Basically threatening me with an Order of the court, a Warrant of Execution & walking possession Agreement - so they can break in my house and steal my possessions. 2) HL Legal: "TAKE NOTICE that unless this account is paid off in full or a satisfactory proposal for settlementt is received by 18 Jan 09 Court proceedings may be issued against you without further notice. They also added £165 for court & Solicitor costs. 3) CapQuest: "It is apparent that we need to start the litigation process to reslove this matter." The letter states that a named person has been assigned as case handling superviser to progress my account through the litigation process..."a process that you can stop by calling..." No mention of Bailiffs or Walking possession orders, just that by calling them I can stop any damage to my credit file. I have read in various places that pre-1998 loan debts can only be taken to court within 6 years, but what about a loan taken in 1998? None of my employers have never taken any contributions and I have not made any payments to date. Having previously seen what has been written on here about capquest, I didn't take them too seriously, however I would really appreciate some solid advice on what course of action I should take. thanks in advance A
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