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Everything posted by jedi_knight

  1. ok, thanks. If there was a letter of intention then I did not get to read it and the ex-directors are no longer in the area and have since moved to another part of the country I believe. Will have to do more research on this and get some answers from the bank if they speak to me..
  2. Hi guys, New here but thought this was best place to start. I was director of company for 2 years with other 2 partners (who were brothers). 1 of the partners was secretary and in charge of accounts etc, but in July both wanted me to buy them out and I accepted and they effectively resigned. I never had dealings with statements and letter prior to this time and it was only when in December when I had a cheque returned with a letter stating that cheque returned by legal order that I discovered that the account was emtied by the bank as it cannot be run if the limited company had dissolved, and that accounts were not filed at companied house for past 2 years and that the company had therefore been dissolved. Now this has meant the bank had effectively closed the business account with a few thousand in there, and obviously had it in their treasury. I have tried contacting bank but they NEVER call back and I can never get through to the right people for advice on how to proceed and get this money out, if at all. I contacted the accountants and they said they have not seen the other directors since January and could only say they could re-instate the limited account if I provide them with a full 2 years accounts and it would cost me around £1,200 plus their fee's on top which would take it to around £2,500+. So my question is, is there any way to get this money out without it costing me £2,500 or is it lost to the bank or the crown for good? Thanks in advance and sorry for ther long-winded text
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