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Everything posted by CDT

  1. This is my fist posting so please bear with me. I have been given a CCJ to the tune of 3.5k from the LLoyds TSB. This sum has been built up less a couple of hundred, entirely by charges. During the process I disputed all the charges but to no avail. As usual they chose the infamous Northampton court to get the judgement placed, which I live approximately 200 miles from!! However, when all this started, I was having my wages paid into the account every month, and had very little (if any) problem/s. I then changed job and my payment day changed. I informed all the usual, mortgage etc and had payment due dates changed. This however took a month (due to my timing) to all come square. I then recieved a fine for the London C Charge, which I disputed, only to find that a couple of months later my car had been clamped at 5 am with a £600 release fee. I needed my car for work, so having no other means to pay this amount, I stupidly went and got a cheque cashed at a local broker. The broker within a week, put this cheque in and LTSB paid it!! even though the funds were not, and were not expected to be in until a fortnight later. I took this matter up with the broker, who to be fair were very helpful and appologetic for their mistake and offered to pay any charges due. This they did, YES its true with no hessitation as well!!! However, this is not where it ended. LTSB slapped me hard and fast for this by taking ALL my wage one month to pay it off, therefore leading to other arears such as mortgage insurance etc. Plus adding charges on top. I contacted them offering a payment plan, which they accepted, however they did state that as long as my wages go in they will take the amounts due. Where is the plan there then? This continued for another month where yet again they took the whole amount leaving me with nothing and so the ball continued to roll out of control. I immediately opened another account with another bank and had my wages put into that. I still contacted LTSB in order to com to an agreement. After many calls I have to say, I gave up!! The rest as they say is history. I could not attend the court, due to time and distance. Although may help my defence during this time my wife was going through a hellish court case (i cant say what) and this together with that led to a severe breakdown. With all this in mind, can I still make a claim against these charges, as I don't believe at this time the first test case had not been made. Regards CDT
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