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Everything posted by ozybob

  1. hi all, can you still claim a debt as statute barred if the letters being sent to you by the SLC or DCA's are to the same address and you have simpl made contact with them?
  2. Hi, Hopefully someone can give me some advice. I have been working for a company for almost 3 years and have recently been told that they wish to make me a consultant/self employed. I will be doing the same job and must still sit at the same desk and have been told that they will be no change to my role... this does not sit right. Also, for the pleasure of doing my own taxes i will be paid less than what i am currently on. I am not naive and am totally aware that by becoming a colnsultant i will be forfeiting my redundancy, future maternity and other employment rights. What are my rights.... any advice would be a help as i am totally confused on what to do, if i refuse to accept i will be fired. Oh, and i've been given one weekend to make a life changing decision...
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