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Posts posted by fedupwithdebt2009

  1. Hi Guy's my hubby has recieved a claim form from northampton bulk centrefor an old debt. There is no other information provided like CCA, default notice etc, probably with it being so old!!


    We want to defend this, obviously, and would appreciate any advice on what to do next.


    It was issued on 30th July. 5 days for service, so thats 4th August. We want to submit an embarressed defence. Can any of you guy's help??





  2. Hi long time no see!!!!


    Sorry but my pc died a death :mad:


    Also had a statement from mcs, detailing how they have added all their court costs and interest to the amount we agreed to pay in the tomlin order we signed. :mad:


    How crafty is that!!!!!


    I have rung them and am waiting on an explanation as to why they have done this, as it said in our order that "each side should bear their own costs"........




    Blummin MCS!!:(


    Anyways, rant over.....hope your well spammy, fighting the good fight en all that.....:D


    fedup xxxxx

  3. Well its all over for us now. Sniff....


    Had "general form of judgement or order" today.....


    Different district judge.......


    Just says "by consent" etc


    All proceedings are stayed etc. as long as we abide by the tomlin order we are ok.


    So thats that then. Unless Mortimor clarke decide otherwise. I feel very sad that I wont need to ring them any more............:D


    Unless I make just ONE more phone call to them, Mortimor clarke I mean,....or was It Marlin......or even Pheonix recoveries..........whoever, still the same bloomin monkey on the other end!!!!!:mad:


    lets hope they dont find any other old debts of mine that may or may not (alledgedly) be floating around out there!!!:D



  4. The producer was a She. No she certainly wasnt ignorant of this site, she made contact with at least 5 other members that I know on here and have exchanged pm's regularly with cos of our problems with this particular company


    Me included craftygirl.....only wish I had got more involved...I am sooooooooooooo very mad at myself right now. 1 for not getting more involved and 2 for signing the blummin tomlin order.



  5. :D:D:lol:


    Lets hope so eh?


    I don't honestly think I could watch that programme again. It made me sick to my stomach. The poor man with lung cancer being hounded by the Halifax...too sad.

    As for Moronic Mark from Marlin and his constant gutter hand gestures... too much for me.. I'm afraid, once is enough. I just hope that arrogant SOB rots in hell.


    Night all.




    Night Spammy


    dont loose any sleep over these muppets


    fedup xxx

  6. Also i would clarify with MC that your not going to be paying ANYTHING to them UNTILL you get a signed order from court. They will then put it in writing and your safe.....cos I was concerned they would be going to court saying we had defaulted on the order even tho it had not been granted!!!!!

  7. It took ages for the judge to throw the order back at MC, and then for them to mess up AGAIN, well...........I think my advice to anyone signing a tomlin would be look out for how its worded, as you mite end up signing something along the lines of an actual judgement ....and i would not know how we would stand with that!!!


    Wait and see craftygirl, hopefully your judge will spot the mistakes too and refuse to grant them it untill its word perfect.


    After all, the purpose of a tomlin is to avoid having a judgement.


  8. Hiya craftygirl hope your ok :)


    Did your tomlin order have the following sentences :-


    " AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the parties do perform and abide by the terms set out in the schedule hereto"




    " The defendants WILL repay the agreed sum by making consecutive monthly payments blah blah blah....."


    The first sentence has been crossed out as ordered by the judge and also the second sentence should read


    " The defendants agree and consent to repay the agreed sum by making blah blah...."


    The second one was what the judge make a big deal over as it is in effect the wording of an actual judgement apparently.........he was NOT impressed......;)


    have a read of your copy crafty.....you could be in for a long wait too!!!!


    fedup :D

  9. Yes well I had plenty to say so am "sky plus"ing it lmao!!!!:D


    How utterly useless are they. I am looking into my next move with these, as to what happens if I DONT send the order back signed. I HAD thought of just sending them a letter saying "SEE YOU IN COURT!!" but thats against hubbys wishes. If I was confident he could handle it then thats what I would do ........but hes defendant 1 soo.........now if I was defendant 1 that would be a different matter......;)




    Sending you cyber support as always spammy......take care





    oh, and SOCK IT TO EM :D

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